“Using one of the reading topic, Identify and Discuss What Issues Can Plague Education, Educational Leadership and/or Education Policy. Suggest Theoretical and Practical Responses to These Issues.” This essay needs to be fully referenced with in-text citations
Introductions and Welcome; The Terrors of Performativity, Stephen J Ball and The Problem with ”Neoliberalism” In Education
History of Ideas: Plato’s Republic, Aristotelian Schoolmen, Descartes and the Postmodern Condition, Scientism and Logical Positivism
Philosophy of Economics: F A Hayek, Spontaneous Market Orders vs Cartesian Constructivist Socialist Central Planning
Philosophy of Economics: Karl Marx and the Criticism of Capitalists
Issues with Ethics, Professional Activity and Leadership: Herbert Simon on Homo Economicus and Design Searching for New Preferences. James G March on Expanding Organizational Leader’s Preferences and Logics with Design/Engineering and Technologies of Foolishness. Logic of Consequences and Logic of Appropriateness.
History and Philosophy of Ethical Thought: I. Kant on Deontology, JS Mill on Utilitarianism, David Hume on the Passions, and Logical Positivism on the Nonsensical Ought.
Things that Truly Matter for Human Flourishing, for Leadership, Institutions and Schools: Aristotle, Aquinas, John Finnis on Reasons, Basic Goods and the Principles of Practical Reasonableness. Aristotelian psychology: (Hyper) Cathexis and Understanding. Compare Aristotle on Character and Virtue Ethics. Contrast Mill’s Utilitarianism and Kant’s Deontology.
Anwesen Architecture, Ways to Raise the Ethical Consciousness: Martin Heidegger and the Greek Experience of Wonder (Thaumazein)at Nature (Physis). Outdoor Nature, Poetry, and Other Environments.