CRJ207 – Foundations of Terrorism
Unit 6 Assignment: Research Paper Rough Draft
Due Date: 11:59 pm EST, Sunday of Unit 6
Total Points: 100
For this assignment, you will submit a rough draft of your final research paper assignment to the instructor for review.
Submit a rough draft of your final research paper assignment based upon your previously submitted thesis statement and outline.
For this course, a current terrorism-related topic is defined as being relevant within the last five years.
Your topic must be approved by your instructor.
The paper must be 6-7 pages in length.
Include at least 4 scholarly resources.
It should follow APA guidelines, including: a properly formatted title page, running head, page numbers, double-spaced, 1-inch margin, in-text citations, reference page, and 12 point, Times New Roman font.
This paper will be checked for originality so make sure you use paraphrasing appropriately and cite your resources.
Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper/project will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write.
Evaluation Rubric for Research Paper Rough Draft Assignment
CRITERIA Deficient Needs Proficient Exemplary
(0-12) (13-15) (16-18) (19-20)
Overview of Paper does not Paper identifies Paper identifies Paper identifies
Current clearly identify or and analyzes a and analyzes a and analyzes a
Terrorism- analyze a current current terrorism- current terrorism- current terrorism-
Related Topic terrorism-related related topic in related topic in related topic in
topic. Description detail. Description detail. Description detail. Description
of topic and/or of topic and/or of topic and of topic and
background are background are background are background are
missing. mostly developed. detailed. well-detailed and
Some details may specific.
be missing,
confusing, or
Implications for The future The future The future The future
the Future possibilities for the possibilities of the possibilities of the possibilities of the
topic are either topic are outlined. topic are detailed topic are detailed,
missing or May be missing realistic. realistic, and
unrealistic. key details, specific.
information may
be vague or may
not seem realistic.
(0-9) (10-11) (12-13) (14-15)
Organization Many details are Writing may have Writing is Writing is
not in a logical or some discernable organized, and effective,
expected order. organization, but details are placed purposeful, and
The paper does some details are in a logical order. well-organized.
not use not in a logical or Paragraphs are
paragraphs. expected order. mostly effectively
The paper uses written.
Resources 0-1 scholarly 2-3 scholarly 4 scholarly At least 4
resources are resources are resources are scholarly
present and/or present and/or present. Evidence resources are
evidence is not evidence is mostly is analyzed and present. Evidence
analyzed in the analyzed and is has a connection is analyzed and
paper. connected to the to the paper. has a clear
paper. connection to
(0-4) (5-6) (7-8) (9-10)
Length Paper is shorter Paper is 4-5 Paper is 6 pages Paper is 7 pages
than 4 pages long. pages long. long. long.
APA Formatting More than 4 errors 3-4 errors in APA 1-2 errors in APA Free of APA
of APA formatting. formatting. formatting. formatting errors.
Spelling, There are more 3-4 errors in 1-2 errors in There are no
Grammar, and than 4 errors in spelling and spelling and spelling or
Professional spelling and grammar. grammar. grammatical
Communication grammar. Language is Language is errors. Language
Language is not mostly objective. objective. used is objective
objective. and free of any