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Objective and Instructions (must follow): The objective of the Evaluating Your Creativity text is to build your 21st-century skills through assessment. The Evaluating Your Creativity text acts as an instruction manual to facilitate your thinking and learning. Using PowerPoint, you will create your own slides to answer the exercises and submit them for grading to Canvas (must be submitted for points). The directions for creating your PowerPoint includes: (Follow these steps) Open a blank (design or theme doesn’t matter) PowerPoint slide. Write the number of the exercise in the

Objective and Instructions (must follow): The objective of the Evaluating Your Creativity text is to build your 21st-century skills through assessment. The Evaluating Your Creativity text acts as an instruction manual to facilitate your thinking and learning. Using PowerPoint, you will create your own slides to answer the exercises and submit them for grading to Canvas (must be submitted for points). The directions for creating your PowerPoint includes: (Follow these steps) Open a blank (design or theme doesn’t matter) PowerPoint slide. Write the number of the exercise in the header of the PowerPoint as you complete them. In your own words, write your response in the body of the PowerPoint–paying close attention to the word count. Note: it is important that you ONLY write the number of each exercise in the header Restating the question, or writing the title of the exercise on your PowerPoint will result in a loss of points–please follow the directions If you need more of a visual see below. The goal is to help you recognize, develop, and act upon the creativity that you already possess. The assignment is broken down into 4 parts (progressively harder and more time is needed):Assignment Part 2: Pages 14-35 The Creative Person Complete readings and videos from the What is Creativity Module & What Does Creativity Mean? What does it actually mean to be Creative? & Creative Thinking and Finding Your Flow: Evidence for the Creative Person to help you complete this assignment. Follow Objective and use the links and readings. READ AND USE THESE LINKS TO COMPLETE ASSIGNMENT: https://youtu.be/qEAgtyT3xvM https://www.iheart.com/podcast/263-the-creative-life-p-29650549/episode/cl091-david-burkus-on-the-myths-51146137/ https://youtu.be/8h6IMYRoCZw https://youtu.be/Pth60EWA8Qs

The post Objective and Instructions (must follow): The objective of the Evaluating Your Creativity text is to build your 21st-century skills through assessment. The Evaluating Your Creativity text acts as an instruction manual to facilitate your thinking and learning. Using PowerPoint, you will create your own slides to answer the exercises and submit them for grading to Canvas (must be submitted for points). The directions for creating your PowerPoint includes: (Follow these steps) Open a blank (design or theme doesn’t matter) PowerPoint slide. Write the number of the exercise in the first appeared on essaypanel.com.


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