Dr. C. Hall – Guidelines for Individual Presentation-(Revised 9-27-21)
Purpose: This project is designed to: (1) give students the opportunity to conduct research on the culture and life experiences of various racial and ethnic groups in America, (2) enable students to share their research findings with fellow class members in a public forum; and (3) promote class discussion and facilitate critical thinking about how racial and ethnic groups share cultural similarities, differences, and overall social experiences nationally and internationally.
For this presentation, you will be required to:
1.- Conduct research on TWO OF THE SIX OUTLINE TOPICS ON THE SAMPLE OUTLINE for the minority group your selected. Do not forget to record your references to include in your bibliography.
- Based on the information you located in your research, FORMULATE A SIMPLE (five to seven SLIDES, plus references and cover page) POWER POINT PRESENTATION on your specific racial or ethnic minority. And UPLOAD TO: ASSIGNMENTS -INDIVPRES.
- After your PP has been graded, Upload your individual Power pointto the DISCUSSION BOARD (So you can share your research with your classmates and they can ask questions or make comments to generate class discussion.)
SOCL 2413 INDIVIDUAL Presentation Evaluation Rubric (50pts.)
INDIVIDUAL Presentation Evaluation Rubric
25 pts. Content and Organization (Cover page, introduction, body, conclusion, references plus VISUAL IMAGES)
10 pts. Quality of Visual Presentation (typographical errors, color contrast, readability, CONCISE text=BULLETS AND VERY BRIEF PARAGRAPHS) POINTS WILL BE SUBTRACTED FOR LARGE PARAGRAPHS OF TEXT.
10 pts. Visual Presentation of Data Collection – May collect data from individuals in your community via phone/text/observation, locate and share survey or experimental data results, graphical or tabular data results, or interviews/observations displayed via internet video that you imbed in your Power point slide.
10 pts. Application and Knowledge of Sociological Concepts- Application of 2-3 sociological concepts found in textbook specifically related to your topic. May collect data using a survey, personal interviews, or make empirical observations in everyday life or locate brief video and imbed within slide.
The post SOCL 2413 –RACE RELATIONS ONLINE Dr. C. Hall – Guidelines for Individual Presentation-(Revised 9-27-21) Purpose: This project is designed to: (1) give students the opportunity to conduct research on the culture and life experiences of various racial and ethnic groups in America, (2) enable students to share their research findings with fellow class members in a public forum; and (3) promote class discussion and facilitate critical thinking about how racial and ethnic groups share cultural similarities, differences first appeared on