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6N2206: Person Centred Planning Part 1 Explain the concept of person centred planning, to include the key features, characteristics and benefits. Your explanation will need to include the following: • definition(s) of Person Centred Planning (PCP) • key features of Person Centred Planning • characteristics of a ‘good’ Person Centred Plan

6N2206: Person Centred Planning

Part 1

Explain the concept of person centred planning, to include the key features, characteristics and benefits. Your explanation will need to include the following:

• definition(s) of Person Centred Planning (PCP)

• key features of Person Centred Planning

• characteristics of a ‘good’ Person Centred Plan

• benefits to focus person, other focus persons and staff of having a Person Centred Plan in place ‘art 2  examine the effectiveness of a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to person ntred planning. Your analysis will need to include the following:

• Identify the steps in preparation for a PCP

• Identify who are the interdisciplinary team / person centred planning team

• Assess their impact in the preparation, implementation and delivery of the person centred planning.

• List the resources needed to increase the chance that the person centred plan will succeed.

Explore the origins of person centred planning Explore best practice in PCP

• historical development of person centred planning (include previous approaches which lead to its development)

• describe the influence of the evolving quality assurance requirements, resulting in the ‘care-plans’ of focus people.

Part 4

Analyse a range of theories of and approaches to person centred planning

• List theories of PCP • Approaches – choose 2 of the following and discuss the characteristics of the PCP approach— e.g. MAP, Path, Personal f utures planning, Essential lifestyle planning, etc.

• Irish service providers— List examples of service providers in Ireland that use PCP and briefly summarise their approach

Assessment Criteria

The learner explained the concept of person centred planning,to include the key features, characteristics and benefits The learner examined the effectiveness of a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to person centred planning.

The learner explored the origins of person centred planning The learner analysed a range of theories of and approaches to person centred planning

The post 6N2206: Person Centred Planning Part 1 Explain the concept of person centred planning, to include the key features, characteristics and benefits. Your explanation will need to include the following: • definition(s) of Person Centred Planning (PCP) • key features of Person Centred Planning • characteristics of a ‘good’ Person Centred Plan first appeared on essaypanel.com.


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