Much of what Stern feels should be forbidden to story writers is presented without explanation or justification, but here and there he does explain what’s wrong with the things he doesn’t want fiction writers to do. Collect his scattered explanations and try to create a coherent approach out of them. What, in general, does Stern feel ruins stories?
Add your own items to any of Stern’s list of “don’ts”: bad last lines, plots not to write, etc. Give your justification.
Stern invites us to disobey his rules. Are you guilty of breaking any of these rules? Can you identify examples of stories that break these rules? Are these stories successful or not, in your opinion?
The post Much of what Stern feels should be forbidden to story writers is presented without explanation or justification, but here and there he does explain what’s wrong with the things he doesn’t want fiction writers to do. Collect his scattered explanations and try to create a coherent approach out of them. What, in general, does Stern feel ruins stories? appeared first on Apax Researchers.