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You discover that your clinical supervisor altered the results of a child’s cognitive assessment in order to enable the child to meet eligibility requirements for admission into a special educational program.

You discover that your clinical supervisor altered the results of a child’s

cognitive assessment in order to enable the child to meet eligibility

requirements for admission into a special educational program. You raise

your concerns about this with her, but she argues that it is “only a couple of

points” and that admission to the program depends on the child receiving a

score below a certain numerical cut-off. She argues that this cut-off is

rigidly enforced by the government agency that provides funding for

children to participate in the program. You agree that the child probably

would benefit from the program, but you disagree with falsifying the child’s

assessment results in order to accomplish this goal. You wonder which is

more unethical: being honest but denying the child admission to this

program, or falsifying results in order to enable the child to benefit from the

program. You wonder if there is anything else you should do.

Use the ethical decision making model steps found in your ethics textbook to complete this assignment. Make sure to answer all of the questions associated with each step. Please submit your case study response here. The first time you click submit it is just a draft. Make sure you fully submit it. I will however still grade your drafts.



Case Study Format

Step #1: “I understand the importance of committing to do the right thing.”

Step #2: This is where you will list each of the codes that would apply to the dilemma in the case study.

Step #3: This is where you will provide the laws associated with the case study. If you cannot find laws, this is where you will list the questions related to laws that would need to be answered to make a solid decision regarding the situation.

Step #4: This is where you will list all the people that will be affected by the decision you make.

Step #5: This is where you will list all of the possible actions you could take to resolve the ethical issue. You will then list your final decision as if you are the therapist and justify your decision.

Step #6: “I will monitor ,evaluate, and modify as needed.”




Chapter 3: The APA Ethics Code and Ethical Decision Making

-The Ethics Code is not a formula for solving these ethical challenges.


Ethical Commitment and Virtues

  • Ethical commitment refers to a strong desire to do what is right because it is right.
  • Fowers (2012) describes virtues as the cognitive, emotional dispositional, behavioral, and wisdom aspects of character strength that motivates and enables us to act ethically out of an attachment to what is good.


Focal Virtues for Psychology

  • A conscientious psychologist is motivated to do what is right because it is right diligently tries to determine what is right, and makes reasonable attempts to do the right thing.
  • Discerning psychologists brings contextually relationally sensitive insight, good judgment, and appropriately detached understanding determines what is right.
  • A prudence psychologist applies practical wisdom to ethical challenges leading to right solutions that can be realized given the nature of the problem and the individuals involved.
  • Benevolence, care, and compassion are often associated with the provision of mental health services.
  • “Self-care” enables psychologists to maintain appropriate competencies under stressful work conditions.
  • Good intentions is insufficient if psychologists fail to identify  the ethical situations to which they applied


Deception Research: A Case Example for the Application of Different Ethical Theories

  • Deontology: prioritizes absolute obligations over consequences; ethical decision making is the rational act of applying universal principles to all situations irrespective if specific relationships, contexts, or consequences.
  • Utilitarianism: an ethical decision is situated specific and must be governed by a risk-benefit calculus that determines which act will produce the greatest possible balance of good over bad consequences.
    • Act utilitarian- evaluates the consequences of an act for a given situation
    • Rule utilitarian- evaluates whether following general rule in all similar situations would create the greater good.
  • Communitarianism: rejects elevation of individual over group rights; ask whether a policy will promote the kind of community we want to live in.
  • Feminist Ethics: (ethics of care) sees emotional commitment to act on behalf of persons with whom one has a significant relationship as central to ethical decision making.


Steps in Ethical Decision Making

  1. Step #1: Develop and sustain a professional commitment to doing what is right, develop the skills to identify when a situation raises ethical issues.  This includes
    1. Evaluating personal versus professional
    2. Implementing personal self-care to guard against impact of occupational stress


  1. Step #2: Consider relevant ethics code general principles and ethical standards as well as organizational policies


  1. Step #3: Determine whether there are local, state, and federal laws specific to the ethical situation.  Identify procedures required to be in compliance with laws


  1. Step #4: Make effort to understand stakeholders’ perspectives.  How does the dilemma relate to power, privilege, and sociopolitical oppression.


  1. Step #5: Apply Steps 1 to 4 to generate ethical alternatives. Identify possible alternatives and consult with colleagues if needed.  Select the alternative that will likely protect the rights and welfare of those affected.


  1. Step #6: Monitor and evaluate course of action. Modify and continue to evaluate plan if feasible and necessary.










The post You discover that your clinical supervisor altered the results of a child’s cognitive assessment in order to enable the child to meet eligibility requirements for admission into a special educational program. appeared first on Apax Researchers.


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