Criterion/standardHDDNCRPSUnmetApply principles of healthpromotion and primaryhealth care to the review ofan issue in health care. (30%)The health promotionPowerPoint and written piecesynthesise principles of healthpromotion and primary healthcare in a judicious way thatdemonstrates high level ofunderstanding.The health promotionand PowerPoint and writtenpiece integrate appropriateprinciples of health promotion,and primary health care.The health promotionPowerPoint and written piecedemonstrate links toappropriate principles ofhealth promotion andprimary health care.The health promotionPowerPoint and writtenpiece are underpinnedby principles of healthpromotion and primaryhealth care.Does not applyprinciples of healthpromotion and/orprimary health care.Advocacy has beenpromoted in the review ofan issue in health care. (20%)The health promotionPowerPoint and written piecesynthesise how advocacy forchild, youth and families hasbeen promoted is described,demonstrated, logicallycritiqued, and evaluated to anexceptional standard.In the health promotionPowerPoint and written piecehow advocacy for child, youthand families has beenpromoted in the health issue isdescribed, demonstrated andlogically critiqued.How advocacy for child,youth and families has beenpromoted in the health issue,is clearly described anddemonstrated in thePowerPoint and writtenpiece.How advocacy for child,youth and families has beenpromoted is described in thePowerPoint and writtenpiece.Advocacy has not beendiscussed.Development of aPowerPoint Presentationwhich succinctly outlines andpromotes the proposedprogram. (30%)The health promotionpresentation is captivating,innovative, and appropriate tothe target audience. The keyhealth promotion message isexcellently woven throughoutthe narration.The health promotionpresentation is engaging,original, and appropriate to thetarget audience. The key healthpromotion message is obviousand clearly presented in thenarration.The health promotionpresentation is interestingand appropriate to the targetaudience. The key healthpromotion message isobvious in the narration.The health promotionpresentation is logical andrelevant to the targetaudience. The key healthpromotion message isprovided in the narration.The health promotionpresentation is notrelevant to the targetaudience. There is nokey health promotionmessage in thepresentation.Written presentationincluding use of researchterms, spelling, grammar,sentence structure, andparagraphs. (10%)Uses accurate research terms,academic expression andlanguage for the proposal.Grammar, spelling andpunctuation were error free.Kept to word limit.Uses accurate research terms,academic expression andlanguage for the proposal.Rare spelling grammar andpunctuation errors which donot interfere with meaning.Kept to word limit.Uses accurate researchterms, academic expressionand language.Minimal spelling, grammar,punctuation and sentencestructure errors which do notinterfere with meaning.Kept to word limit.Uses correct research terms,and language.Mostly correct spelling,grammar and punctuationSentence structureacceptable but needsimprovement. Kept to wordlimit.Incorrect and/orinconsistent use ofresearch terms andacademic expression.Frequent spelling,punctuation andgrammar errors. Doesnot adhere to word limit.Information literacy skillsincluding citations andsources used to support thecitations and referencingstyle. (10%)APA 7 referencing style is usedcorrectly and consistently incitations and reference list. Noerrors in the in-text referencingor in the reference list.APA 7 referencing style is usedcorrectly and consistently incitation and reference list. Rareerrors in the in-text referencingand in reference list.APA 7 referencing style isused correctly andconsistently in citations andreference list. Minimal errorsin the in-text referencing andin reference list.APA 7 referencing style isused correctly in citationsand reference list. Someerrors in the in-textreferencing and in thereference list.APA 7 referencing stylenot applied or appliedinaccurately in citationsand the reference list.