NRSG375 Clinical LeadershipAssessment Task 1: Audio visual presentationYou are required to design and produce a 2-3 minute audio visual presentation whichrelates to a clinical leadership issue of interest to you and submit the assessment in theformat of a narrated powerpoint presentation. You may wish to follow the format ofthe mini lecture recordings made by Dr David Stanley which you can find in onlinemodule 2, for your narrated powerpoint (ppt) presentation. The idea is that you willspeak to power point slides relating to the issue of interest. Please ensure that you usea minimum of 18 font for each of the ppt slides and that you break up dense text.You will need to write a script to speak to, for your narrations for each of the slide, itis important that you not simply read from the text of each slide.This assessment task requires you to identify someone (preferably Buddy nurse, CNS,ANUM, NUM, Clinical Educator or if unable to reflect on a nurse clinician, analternative health discipline clinician) you have noticed on clinical placement who hasdisplayed qualities consistent with the clinical leadership issue of interest that you havechosen. Online module 1 presents a comprehensive exploration of the topic of clinicalleadership and the related literature, to which you should refer when deciding on theissue you choose to pursue for this assessment task.You will need to explore what characteristics of clinical leadership were evident in theissue of interest and how you observed these qualities displayed by the person youhave chosen to reflect upon for this assessment task. You will need to support theconcepts relating to clinical leadership with evidence from the contemporaryliterature.The narrated powerpoint should be no more than 10 slides (including 1 forIntroduction and 1 for References), and no more than 3 minutes of narration. Pleasenote the entire submitted file of your assessment task cannot be larger than 100mb orit will not be able to be successfully submitted into the designated assignmentdropbox in the assessment folder of your campus tile.Referencing is integral to academic writing, in the Faculty of Health Sciences, theprescribed referencing convention is the APA referencing style. You may wish torevisit these requirements at the following link. refer to the rubric for this assessment task below as a further guide toassessment expectations. ASSESSMENT TASK 1- Audio visual presentation (40%)Criteria(marks)Expected High Distinction (HD)StandardExpected Distinction (D)StandardExpected Credit (CR)StandardExpected Pass (PA)StandardFail (NN)StandardFail (NN)(No attempt made)Focus & Introduction5 marksThere is a clear introduction thatoutlines the topic, and contextualisesand profiles the scope, content andthe sequence of the narrated audiovisual presentation.There is a clear introductionthat outlines the topic, andprofiles most the scope,content and the sequence ofthe narrated audio visualpresentation.There is a clearintroduction that outlinessome of the topic, andprofiles some content.There is a clearintroduction thatoutlines the topic.There is an introductorysentence that outlines thetopic, some parts areunclear and or absent.There is nointroduction.Content and Evidence10 marksThe content is relevant to the topic.Student has highlighted in detail allthe relevant significant factors;explained and analysed the conceptsand or issues and their importance.Referred to relevant theory andliterature to support their reasoningand examples are presented.The content is relevant to thetopic. Student has highlightedall the relevant significantfactors; explained and analysedthe concepts and or issues andtheir importance.Evidence and examplespresented are of varyingquality.Most content is relevant tothe topic. Student hashighlighted most of therelevant significant factors;explained and analysedthe concepts and or issuesand their importance onmost occasions.Evidence and examplespresented are of varyingquality.Some content is relevantto the topic. Explainedand analysed theconcepts and or issuesand their importance onmost occasions.Evidence and examplesare minimal.There is insufficientcontent presented that isrelevant to the topic, andno evidence and/orexamples are presented.The content andevidence are notappropriate.Critical Thinking &Reasoning10 marksThere is evidence of both depth andbreadth of reading. An argument ispresented and well supported withevidence.There is evidence of breadth ofreading. An argument ispresented with supportedevidence.An argument is presentedwith some supportedevidence.An argument ispresented with minimalsupport of evidence.Arguments made are notsupported by anyevidence.There is no clearargument presented.Sequencing & Accuracy5 marksThe content in the narrated audiovisual presentation matches theoutline presented in the introductoryslide. All slides are organised in alogical manner so that content flowsfrom one to the next, and there areclear linking sentences that link eachslide to the next. The audio visualThe content in the narratedaudio visual presentationmostly matches the outlinepresented in the introductoryslide. Most slides are organisedin a logical manner, and theaudio visual presentation endswith a rational conclusion.There is a clearintroduction, followed bythe body of the audiovisual presentation, andconclusion. However,content within the bodyand within slides is notalways logicallyThere is a clearintroduction, followedby the body of the audiovisual presentation, witha conclusion. However,there is little evidence ofsequential presentation.Some slides relate to adiscrete idea.There is not a clearintroduction, body andconclusion to the audiovisual presentation. Slidesdo not relate to a discreteidea, or link to oneanother.There is no evidenceof sequencing orlinking of slides. presentation ends with a rationalconclusion.sequenced. Most slidesrelate to a discrete idea.Sources & Referencing5 marksCredible and relevant references areused. Accurate use of APA referencingstyle on all occasions.Accurate and consistent use ofcomprehensive and credible in-textcitations and ref list.Credible and relevantreferences are used. Accurateuse of APA referencing style onmost occasions.Mostly Accurate and consistentuse of thorough and credibleuse of in-text citations and reflist.Credible and relevantreferences are used.Accurate use of APAreferencing style on mostoccasions.Generally accurate andconsistent use of sufficientin-text citations and reflist.Most references arecredible and relevant.Accurate use of APAreferencing style onmost occasions.Adequate use of in-textcitations on mostoccasions and ref listNot all references arecredible and/or relevant.Many inaccuracies withthe APA referencing style.Too many directquotations and/orreferences are irrelevantand/or not credibleThere are noreferences used.Quality of audio visualpresentation andnarrated powerpoint5 marksFlawless. There are no errors with thequality of the audio-visualpresentation, and the meaning iseasily discernible.There are minimal errors withthe quality of the audio-visualpresentation and the meaningis easily discernible.There are some errorswith the quality of theaudio-visual presentation.However, the meaning isreadily discernible.There are substantialerrors with the quality ofthe audio-visualpresentation. The errorsdetract significantly, butthe meaning isdiscernible.There are substantial withthe quality of the audiovisual presentation. Theerrors detract significantly,but the meaning isdiscernible with majoreffort.The poor quality ofthe audio-visualpresentation is suchthat the reader cannotmake sense of thecontent.