Here is the assignment: Take A Closer Look ANALYSIS All artworks say something. The following analytical questions will help you uncover what the artist intends to suggest, convey or ‘say’ with her/his work of art. Please avoid discussion of line, color, etc unless they are a vigorous or crucial component of the work of art that adds directly to its meaning. Please number your answers. These questions are based largely on the materials you encountered in online Lessons 1 – 4 and the Sayre textbook chapters 1, 2, 21-27. Part A VIEW an image Select one (1) of the following three works of art below and view it online.Closely examine it. 1. PeterDoig, White Canoe. 2. Aganetha Dyck, The Extended Wedding Party 3. Brian Jungen, Prototype for a New Understanding. PART B READ Read a short online essay or article about the artist you have chosen. 1. PeterDoig: 2. Aganetha Dyck:—homage/ 3. Brian Jungen: Part C VIEW View an online video or listen to the audio clip about the artist you have chosen. 1. PeterDoig: Play Video Play Mute Loaded: 11.55% Remaining Time -5:35 Picture-in-PictureFullscreen 2. Aganetha Dyck: am not able to send this video 3. Brian Jungen: Part D: RESEARCH It is necessary to do external research in order to come to some informed interpretation of the work of art you have chosen rather than relying on guesswork or merely your emotions. Research is where you gather information about the artist and the artwork. Indeed, Parts B and C immediately above where you read a short essay and viewed a short video constituted preliminary research around the topic. This research information helps ‘fill-in the blanks’ on the artist’s thought processes, gives some context for the work of art, helps you understand what the work of art is about and helps establish the artwork’s cultural relevancy. After consulting at least one external research source (other than your textbook, the online lessons, or the above), you should be able to address the image with a deeper, more informed, understanding of it. When doing the external research pay attention to information that will help you answer the following questions. All research must be footnoted. That is, if you quote a source, identify it. Be thorough. Be clear. Please itemize your answers to correspond to the questions. Each answer should be a minimum of 150 words. … 1. Who is the artist (name, nationality, etc.) and, verybriefly, what are the important aspects of his/her background? 2. Aside from the information I provided to you in Part C, do some research and find out what the artist said or written about her/his larger body of work in general? Provide quotes. 3. How does this apply to the artwork here? 4. From answering the above questions, what then do you think are the major theme/s operating in this work? 5. Aside from the information I provided to you in Part C, how do critics, writers and curators sum up what the artist is discussing in her/his the larger body of work? Do some research and quote the most important critical statements you can find. Identify the source of those quotes via footnotes. 6. Do you agree or disagree with those critics’ statements? Why? PART E The following questions are aimed at helping you further extract and reveal the artwork’s meaning and content. Rely on what you have heard, seen, or read in the videos above, in Part D and in your external research to guide you in your answers: they are the groundwork for answering the questions. Base your answers on what you have already learned about the image; on some research into the artist’s larger body of work; on the lessons, the textbook and other external research. Provide evidence for what you say. No marks will be given if you simply say “yes” or “no” in answer to the questions: you must explain why or why not. Citations and footnotes required. Your answer to each question below should be a minimum of 150 words. PLEASE IDENTIFY YOUR ANSWERS WITH 1, 2, 3, ETC.. 1. Briefly, describe what you actually see here (the literal subject)? 2. Can you think of an artwork from the textbook or online lessons or your external research that closely resembles this work of art – whether in its execution or its aesthetics or its subject matter? Explain that connection. Please be thoughtful here and do not pull something out of your hat. 3. Briefly and based on your research, what is the theme of that other artwork? 4. Can that theme in any way be applied to or be connected to the image you have chosen? If yes, how? If not, why not? 5. Does the subject matter of the artwork you have chosen for the TACL refer outside itself to something such as a myth, a scene or character from a book, an historical event, a news article, a well-known place, a familiar object or …? Can you then discuss how, in your estimation, the work of art under consideration relates to that work of art not descriptively but thematically? 6. Can you apply the themes to larger social, economic, moral, political, scientific, historic OR religious ideas/issues outside of art? Part F WRITE IN BRIEF: write a concise 750 word overview focusing on the content of the work of art. Write in essay form. Quotations and footnotes from the research materials consulted are required. You should not focus your attention on your feelings as a way of accessing art as sometimes your feelings about a work of art are unreliable or they may not synchronize with the artist’s feelings. Instead, pay attention to: – the readings and the videos provided – the lessons and textbook – the external research you have done – your answers to parts D and E – your own research-informed and research-supported thoughts Convey to the reader what the artist was attempting to convey with this particular work of art and how they went about saying that. This overview requires only a single sentence introduction and a single sentence conclusion. Assignment instructions are attac