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PSY7002: Social Psychology 1. Demonstrate a critical understanding and depth of knowledge of the core areas of psychology and the ability to assess their relevance in the understanding of the contemporary world. 2. Critically understand the main theoretical perspectives and debates in psychology in their historical and contemporary contexts in a reflective way. 3. Identify, research, c

PSY7002: Social Psychology 1. Demonstrate a critical understanding and depth of knowledge of the core areas of psychology and the ability to assess their relevance in the understanding of the contemporary world. 2. Critically understand the main theoretical perspectives and debates in psychology in their historical and contemporary contexts in a reflective way. 3. Identify, … Read more

Task In groups of 3 or 4, each student must select one country of their choice and analyze two main economic issues facing the country. Members of the group must not choose countries from the same continent, i.e. Europe, Asia, Africa, North and Central America, South America. The two policies must be the same for each of the selected countries. You must choose any two of the following econo

Task In groups of 3 or 4, each student must select one country of their choice and analyze two main economic issues facing the country. Members of the group must not choose countries from the same continent, i.e. Europe, Asia, Africa, North and Central America, South America. The two policies must be the same for … Read more

Operations Excellence Assignment: Leading and Managing Operational Excellence The company you work for is planning to install a new production line in 6 months’ time. The Board of Directors expects the ramp-up to full production volumes to take 2 months maximum. You have been asked to lead the organizational change aspect of this project, which will include: • New skills and competencies including

Operations Excellence Assignment: Leading and Managing Operational Excellence The company you work for is planning to install a new production line in 6 months’ time. The Board of Directors expects the ramp-up to full production volumes to take 2 months maximum. You have been asked to lead the organizational change aspect of this project, which … Read more

HDIP in Science in Computing Module Title(s): Algorithms and Constructs Assessment Task Students are advised to review and adhere to the submission requirements documented after the assessment task. You have been tasked with creating a basic Car Rental System in Java. This system should be able to keep track of the availability of all the cars in a Rent-a-car business over the course of a year. • A Rent-a-car contains Cars • Cars have a make, a daily rate, an id, and a calendar of availability.

HDIP in Science in Computing Module Title(s): Algorithms and Constructs Assessment Task Students are advised to review and adhere to the submission requirements documented after the assessment task. You have been tasked with creating a basic Car Rental System in Java. This system should be able to keep track of the availability of all the … Read more

ECU33022: Money and Banking B Q1. The Future of Cash: “Cash is still King despite recent advances in technologies”. In June 2021, Fabio Panetta (Member of the Executive Board of the ECB) started his speech to the Deutsche Bundesbank’s conference on cash as follows: https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/key/date/2021/html/ecb.sp210615~05b32c4e55.en.html ‘Even before th

ECU33022: Money and Banking B Q1. The Future of Cash: “Cash is still King despite recent advances in technologies”. In June 2021, Fabio Panetta (Member of the Executive Board of the ECB) started his speech to the Deutsche Bundesbank’s conference on cash as follows: https://www.ecb.europa.eu/press/key/date/2021/html/ecb.sp210615~05b32c4e55.en.html ‘Even before the pandemic, the future of cash was being … Read more

Essay Choice 1: cGMP is essential in ensuring that the medicinal products we use are safe and work as expected. Discuss this statement and explain how and why GMP requirements have made medicines safer than they were historical. Essay Choice 2: Outline and discuss what you believe to be the most important aspects of cGMP compliance. State your reasons clearly and use supporting examples where possible.

Essay Choice 1: cGMP is essential in ensuring that the medicinal products we use are safe and work as expected. Discuss this statement and explain how and why GMP requirements have made medicines safer than they were historical. Essay Choice 2: Outline and discuss what you believe to be the most important aspects of cGMP compliance. … Read more

Managing the Organisation 1. Some people question the value of history and theory. Their arguments are usually based on the assumptions that history has no relevance to contemporary society and that theory is abstract and of no practical use. In reality,both theory and history are important to all managers today. Discuss and analyse this statement, supporting your argument with reference to the range of theories that have been developed in the field of managem

Managing the Organisation 1. Some people question the value of history and theory. Their arguments are usually based on the assumptions that history has no relevance to contemporary society and that theory is abstract and of no practical use. In reality,both theory and history are important to all managers today. Discuss and analyse this statement, … Read more

Operation Management Task The owner of an organization that you are familiar with has heard that your group (3 or 4 students) are studying for a Business Degree. The owner has asked your group for advice in relation to the operational aspect of his/her business. Following a review of the business, you have come to the the conclusion that the owner of the business has limited knowledge of ‘operations’ in a business context. If you are selecting a large compan

Operation Management Task The owner of an organization that you are familiar with has heard that your group (3 or 4 students) are studying for a Business Degree. The owner has asked your group for advice in relation to the operational aspect of his/her business. Following a review of the business, you have come to … Read more

5N2706: Care of The Older Person Module: Active Living for the Older Person You are required to Investigate the general area of life after employment for the older person and compile a Paged on your findings. The focus of your report should be on preparation for retirement for the older person as wet as the specific services that are available to older people such as lifelong learning. education and leisure

5N2706: Care of The Older Person Module: Active Living for the Older Person You are required to Investigate the general area of life after employment for the older person and compile a Paged on your findings. The focus of your report should be on preparation for retirement for the older person as wet as the … Read more

Health And Safety CultureSocial Media Marketing Business Level 8 Assessment Task Students are advised to review and adhere to the submission requirements documented after the assessment task. Social media is revolutionizing the marketing world, with digital marketing and technology transforming the way we do business. The emergence of social media provides a new platform

Health And Safety CultureSocial Media Marketing Business Level 8 Assessment Task  Students are advised to review and adhere to the submission requirements documented after the assessment task.  Social media is revolutionizing the marketing world, with digital marketing and technology transforming the way we do business. The emergence of social media provides a new platform for … Read more


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