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Write a justification for a capital purchase (1,000-1,200 words) to your vice president as to why the purchase would be a good investment for the hospital. Include a one-page executive summary for your proposal within your essay. The essay should include the following points: Discuss the facility considerations involved in obtaining this new piece of equipment. Is it a replacement piece or a strategic capital purchase? Explain how it meets organizational priorities and capital investment goals. Justify the purchase and why it is a good investment by evaluating the return on investment (ROI). Explain the operating costs you took into consideration when making the purchase. Explain if you will fund the purchase or finance it. What would be the funding sources or financial mechanism to support this purchase (for example, selling shares in your facility or voting on a bond)? Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Write a justification for a capital purchase (1,000-1,200 words) to your vice president as to why the purchase would be a good investment for the hospital. Include a one-page executive summary for your proposal within your essay. The essay should include the following points: Discuss the facility considerations involved in obtaining this new piece of … Read more

1)The median voter theorem says that candidates will always locate where the median voter is situated along a linear policy spectrum. An implicit assumption in the model is that all voters will turn out to vote for a candidate closest to their policy position. Let us see what happens if some voters sit out an election if both candidates are too far from their positions. Suppose there are three types of voters – Liberal (L) who are located between and in the policy spectrum. These individuals participate in the electoral process if and only if there is at least one candidate within their

1)The median voter theorem says that candidates will always locate where the median voter is situated along a linear policy spectrum. An implicit assumption in the model is that all voters will turn out to vote for a candidate closest to their policy position. Let us see what happens if some voters sit out an … Read more

ART HISTORY – 500 WORDS Cindy Sherman’s Untitled Film Stills comprises of over seventy black and white photographs made between 1977 and 1980. When thinking about this series, some aspects of her entire body of work immediately come to mind: disguise and theatricality, mystery and voyeurism, melancholy and vulnerability. Each individual image creates a distinguished scene. Untitled Film Still #21 for example, reminds of a scene from an outdated television show or movie, with the woman in the picture as leading heroine, wearing a vintage 1950s outfit and looking captivated by something outside the frame. This creates suspense: we will never know what happens across the street from this woman. It makes the image not so much about what is happening in the picture, but more about what happened before and after the moment it was shot. This narrative element is characteristic of Untitled Film Stills. The scenes are recognisable as film stills – imitating typical cinematic angles, lighting,

ART HISTORY – 500 WORDS Cindy Sherman’s Untitled Film Stills comprises of over seventy black and white photographs made between 1977 and 1980. When thinking about this series, some aspects of her entire body of work immediately come to mind: disguise and theatricality, mystery and voyeurism, melancholy and vulnerability. Each individual image creates a distinguished … Read more

Imagine you work as a human services practitioner at a state prison. Your manager is frustrated that some of the practitioners are not spending enough time preparing their clients for reentry. She has asked you to write a memo that explains the importance of planning for reentry and key strategies that support and promote the success of offenders who prepare to integrate back into society. In your memo, focus on the LGBT population. Write a memo, responding to each of the following questions with a minimum of 350 words: Why is it important to start the reentry process early with offenders while they are still incarcerated? Identify the key components of the reentry process. Why is it important to identify offenders as clients instead of offenders during the reentry process? What evidence supports this approach during reentry planning? Focus on assessment-driven reentry planning procedures.

Imagine you work as a human services practitioner at a state prison. Your manager is frustrated that some of the practitioners are not spending enough time preparing their clients for reentry. She has asked you to write a memo that explains the importance of planning for reentry and key strategies that support and promote the … Read more

READ Pages 193-215, Outline Only #16 by Braithwaite From Part VI in Cullen et al., read the introduction for Part VI (the first 9 pages), then all of Braithwaite’s Crime, Shame, and Reintegration chapter, and then the two commentary/introductory pages in italics for Sherman’s Defiance Theory. Stop there. Outline and submit for grading, only Braithwaite’s #16. Do NOT turn in an outline for the introduction for Part VI, instead incorporate the parts in it on Braithwaite into the outline for his theory. You are only turning in one outline for the week. This material will be on the mid-term exam, so jump on it now or early in the week. Do not procrastinate.

READ Pages 193-215, Outline Only #16 by Braithwaite From Part VI in Cullen et al., read the introduction for Part VI (the first 9 pages), then all of Braithwaite’s Crime, Shame, and Reintegration chapter, and then the two commentary/introductory pages in italics for Sherman’s Defiance Theory. Stop there. Outline and submit for grading, only Braithwaite’s … Read more

Objective and Instructions (must follow): The objective of the Evaluating Your Creativity text is to build your 21st-century skills through assessment. The Evaluating Your Creativity text acts as an instruction manual to facilitate your thinking and learning. Using PowerPoint, you will create your own slides to answer the exercises and submit them for grading to Canvas (must be submitted for points). The directions for creating your PowerPoint includes: (Follow these steps) Open a blank (design or theme doesn’t matter) PowerPoint slide. Write the number of the exercise in the

Objective and Instructions (must follow): The objective of the Evaluating Your Creativity text is to build your 21st-century skills through assessment. The Evaluating Your Creativity text acts as an instruction manual to facilitate your thinking and learning. Using PowerPoint, you will create your own slides to answer the exercises and submit them for grading to … Read more

SOCL 2413 –RACE RELATIONS ONLINE Dr. C. Hall –    Guidelines for Individual Presentation-(Revised 9-27-21) Purpose:  This project is designed to: (1) give students the opportunity to conduct research on the culture and life experiences of various racial and ethnic groups in America, (2) enable students to share their research findings with fellow class members in a public forum; and (3) promote class discussion and facilitate critical thinking about how racial and ethnic groups share cultural similarities, differences

SOCL 2413 –RACE RELATIONS ONLINE Dr. C. Hall –    Guidelines for Individual Presentation-(Revised 9-27-21) Purpose:  This project is designed to: (1) give students the opportunity to conduct research on the culture and life experiences of various racial and ethnic groups in America, (2) enable students to share their research findings with fellow class members in … Read more

Introduction Many information technology (IT) companies and IT departments have decided to outsource projects overseas to gain competitive advantages both domestically and globally. For this project, you will be choosing between two vendors bidding for an IT project for a U.S. company. Scenario You are the senior director of information technology at Endothon Inc. (Endothon), a U.S.-based company located in Atlanta, Georgia. Your company makes aircraft seats and accessories for private and small commercial aircraft. You have five manufacturing plants in the United States. Your company has recen

Introduction Many information technology (IT) companies and IT departments have decided to outsource projects overseas to gain competitive advantages both domestically and globally. For this project, you will be choosing between two vendors bidding for an IT project for a U.S. company. Scenario You are the senior director of information technology at Endothon Inc. (Endothon), … Read more

Managing International Hospitality Organisations Assessment One (Report) Requirement. You are required to choose one of the following three possible titles: Critically analyse the complexities of the ‘augmented hospitality offer’ within the context of a hospitality sector of your choice and illustrate your discussion with appropriate examples. Discuss how businesses in the branded budget hotel sector have followed a strategy of cost leadership. Make further suggestions on how these businesses could cut costs

Managing International Hospitality Organisations Assessment One (Report) Requirement. You are required to choose one of the following three possible titles: Critically analyse the complexities of the ‘augmented hospitality offer’ within the context of a hospitality sector of your choice and illustrate your discussion with appropriate examples. Discuss how businesses in the branded budget hotel sector … Read more

Business Economics and Finance in a Global Environment Project 1 Assessment Report Element Project question Report Assignment in Accounting and Finance You have received an email from the Chief Executive Officer of Clark Casc Logistics plc, where you are employed as manager of a loading bay, inviting you to the first in a series of budget-setting meetings and asking you to submit a brief report in advance. You are required to submit

Business Economics and Finance in a Global Environment Project 1 Assessment Report Element Project question Report Assignment in Accounting and Finance You have received an email from the Chief Executive Officer of Clark Casc Logistics plc, where you are employed as manager of a loading bay, inviting you to the first in a series of … Read more


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