It’s the final dissertation on MBA Marketing and I want it by part by part as an introduction and literature review first. I will attach my research proposal with this. Don’t copy-paste as it will be a cause for plagiarism. I want to do a poster also with this.
1. Introduce your research topic, highlighting the key issues that have motivated the project and key ideas around which the project will be based
2. Using clear headings and bullet point formatting, present the aim(s), objective(s), and research question(s) for your research project. Where appropriate you may also outline hypotheses or refer to hypotheses in an appendix
3. Briefly outline the structure of your literature review and strategy that you have used for carrying out the literature review
4. Using the table below, describe & provide a rationale for your chosen research approach
5. Outline how you will implement the research strategy, including details about the methods you will use for data collection and the measurement framework. Data collection materials should be included as appendices (e.g. copy of the questionnaire in advanced draft stages; copy of interview protocol etc.)
6. Describe the population, sample, and sampling technique. Comment on the feasibility of accessing and gathering data from this sample. If access to restricted or privately-held data is needed (e.g. from a company or company workers) then provide proof of access in an appendix (i.e. letter from a company manager confirming their support for the study)
7. What approach will you take to analyzing your data? For complex analytical protocols, you may consider submitting supplementary information as an appendix.
8. Describe the steps you will take to obtain voluntary informed consent from your participants before gathering any data (information sheet & consent form must be included in appendices).
9. What steps will you take to ensure anonymity and/or confidentiality for your participants throughout the research process?