BSBMKG501 Identify and Evaluate Marketing-pricing memberships that AF offer


The Marketing Manager for AF answer b & c:

a.Discuss the importance of obtaining information detailing customer’s reactions to the AF products and services.

b.Describe how beneficial this information is to AF and what affect it will have on the overall marketing campaign.
Pricing Variable

AF will have different pricing levels in place due to the various types of memberships they offer. Discuss the following information in structured paragraphs:

a. How AF needs to ensure that they are pricing competitively 

b. Discuss the various styles of pricing memberships that AF offer:
Bundle Pricing
Optional Pricing
Fly In Fly Out (FIFO)
Seniors Membership (Mon-Friday 10am-4pm)

Objectives Variations 

One of AF marketing objectives is to attract the older generation to the centers, therefore, the target market is senior 50+ years.  AF desired position of branding is to be recognised for providing a safe environment, which is a priority for this age group.  AF would like to promote a product that offers fitness assessments in order that each client is assessed on their ability to use certain services within the centers.  

a. From the information discuss consideration in to how AF will require making variations to the marketing mix to achieve the objective of attracting the senior generation to the centers.
Product: e.g. Fitness assessment provided

b. Discuss that when identifying marketing objectives that these will have impacts on operational changes.  Provide three (3) operational changes that would take place:

AF requires you to determine the costs, benefits, risks and opportunities from the above analysis.

a. Complete the viability table below using the same marketing opportunities from the table discuss the following:
1. What particular risks AF need to be aware of?
2. Financial viability, do the marketing opportunities meet the budget requirements? 
3. And is it likely that Return on Investment (ROI) on marketing will be achieved? (Pg. 33 501 LG)
4. Finally, what are the benefits of following through with the marketing opportunities you have suggested

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