BUS6900 Management Practicum-future professional development needs


Unit Learning Outcomes
This assessment will help you achieve the following Unit Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply advanced discipline-based skills, knowledge,practices and behaviours in the context of the host organisation;

2. Illustrate evidence of ethical behaviour and appropriate conduct in a professional environment;

3. Produce a coherent portfolio which demonstrates achievements in professional practice; and

4. Critically reflect on current capability and identify future professional development needs.

Part A: Performance review

In this task you are required to evaluate and provide evidence of your performance during your work placement. This is critical not only for your learning but also for improving your workplace performance in the future. In  formal business English language, you need to evaluate how you performed against the outcomes and strategies you outlined in your Placement Plan (Assignment 1). It is important that you consider your workplace supervisor’s feedback when reflecting on your performance and achievements.

Use the following questions to guide you with completing this task:

• To what extent did you achieve your intended outcomes outlined in your Placement Plan? Please include an explanation of why you did not achieve your targeted outcomes, if that was the case. Please embed up to a maximum of 8 screenshots of evidence to demonstrate achievement of your targeted outcomes. Evidence of outcomes achieved must be embedded in this section of the portfolio and not as an appendix.

• How successful were your adopted strategies and what could you have done differently to achieve better outcomes?

Part B: Capabilities assessment and plan

In this task you will undertake a self-assessment, rating yourself against a list of capabilities, to help you define areas for improvement and to enhance your career planning. Your self-assessment should take into account the feedback you have received from your workplace supervisor(s) on your strengths, weaknesses and performance to date. You will then review your strengths and weaknesses, outlining how you plan to improve over the next 12 months. 

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