BUSN4100 Business Research Methods Research Proposal


Please select and research a small or medium sized organisation of your choice to identify a research question which is usually a business problem or a research idea and then write a research proposal of covering the key areas of the potential problem or research idea, aims and objectives, proposed methods and methodology to data collection, presentation and analysis and in the end writing recommendation to meet the research objectives or new area of exploration.

Task 1

1.1: Critically analyse strategic and operational strengths and weaknesses for different organisations in a range of sectors.

1.2: Critically examine problem structuring methods and apply problem analysis methods and theory to specific business issues and comment on their relevance and usability.

1.3: Critically examine relevant decision-making tools that can be applied to business problems and comment on their relevance and usability.

Task 2

2.1: Critically apply the principles and practices of quantitative and qualitative research on a practical level.

2.2: Define research and development questions and prioritise them in relation to contemporary managerial and business needs.

Task 3

3.1: Make use of research evidence, big data, data analytics and pattern recognition to support business propositions and recommendations.

3.2: Critically identify the requirements of an effective report and the factors that make it compelling for senior and strategic management.

3.3: Produce effective reports that articulate business problems, point to relevant research evidence and provide recommendations.

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