Chose a work of Chinese poetry, painting, and/or calligraphy such as those by artists listed in PPT 8. Analyze the total artistic effect in terms of Chinese and/or Western critical terms like fù 賦, bĭ 比, xīng 興, metaphor, personification, the “six principles” of painting (繪畫六法), and so on. If you chose a work of calligraphy or a painting with calligraphy on it, also comment on the effect of the interplay between what is written and how it is written/framed. You may wish to consult secondary sources like Stephen Owen (宇文所安) on Chinese poetry (many titles), Wu Hung: The Double Screen: Medium and Representation in Chinese Painting, or articles on calligraphy (in Chinese) by 薛龍春 (search the library database).

Write an essay of 750–1,000 English words on one of the following five topics. You may also choose a different topic with instructor approval. Do not attempt to address every topic raised in any of the questions; simply choose one way of approaching the topic and analyze it from that perspective. Your paper should consist of at least four paragraphs: one introductory paragraph, two or more body paragraphs, and one concluding paragraph. You should cite at least one primary source and one secondary source (see citation guidelines on the difference).


Feel free to e-mail me to set up a time for consultation. Also, feel free to make use of the English Language Center’s Writing Assistance Program:


Please submit your paper through the Turnitin system on Blackboard no later than 11:59 p.m., November 17th. Late papers will lose 5% credit per 24 hrs. Please note that the system will check for use of unoriginal sources. Plagiarism or other unattributed use of unoriginal text will result in a 0 for the assignment and possible disciplinary action/failure of the course. Do not include any writing that is not your own without citing it! Please consult with me if you have any questions about proper citation and attribution practice.


Grading Criteria:


Readability/Proper use of English Grammar and Style: 20%

The paper should read smoothly and clearly in English without excessive errors of grammar or usage. Citations should be provided in MLA style and include a works cited page with full bibliographic entries at the end. Any Chinese-language quotations should include an English translation, either your own, or an existing one (cited).


Introduction: 10%

The introduction should clearly state the topic and aims of the paper, outlining and previewing the basic argument.


Body: 30%

The body paragraphs should support and elaborate the argument previewed in the introduction and build upon each other logically. Make logical use of paragraph breaks to keep topics focused.


Conclusion: 10%

The conclusion should summarize and recapitulate the arguments and evidence presented in the body paragraphs, also suggesting something of the broader significance of the paper. The conclusion should not, however, introduce any completely new ideas.


Originality/Argumentation: 30%

The paper should offer an original argument based on your own research and critical thinking. Simply summarizing historical data and/or rehearsing others’ arguments without offering any of your own interpretation or analysis will result in a poor originality score.


  1. Chose a work of Chinese poetry, painting, and/or calligraphy such as those by artists listed in PPT 8. Analyze the total artistic effect in terms of Chinese and/or Western critical terms like 賦, 比, xīng 興, metaphor, personification, the “six principles” of painting (繪畫六法), and so on. If you chose a work of calligraphy or a painting with calligraphy on it, also comment on the effect of the interplay between what is written and how it is written/framed. You may wish to consult secondary sources like Stephen Owen (宇文所安) on Chinese poetry (many titles), Wu Hung: The Double Screen: Medium and Representation in Chinese Painting, or articles on calligraphy (in Chinese) by 薛龍春 (search the library database).


  1. Choose one or two primary works dealing with health, nutrition, lifestyle, and/or production, preparation, or consumption of food and drink, such as those listed in PPT 7. Explore how perspectives described therein reflect on some issue of cultural significance. You may wish to consider work of theorists like Mary Douglas or Charlotte Furth: A Flourishing Yin.


  1. Analyze the Chinese approach to issues of love, courtship, sex, marriage, and family in a work of drama or vernacular fiction like Western Wing (西廂記), Peony Pavilion (牡丹亭), Plum in the Golden Vase (金瓶梅), or Story of the Stone (石頭記/紅樓夢). You may wish to consult secondary sources like Tina Lu: Accidental Incest, Filial Cannibalism and Persons, Roles, and Minds, Ding Naifei: Obscene Things, and Wai-yee Li: Enchantment and Disenchantment. If analyzing a long book, be sure to focus on only one or two episodes rather than writing only broadly.


  1. Choose a traditional work of architecture to analyze in terms of its ritual, social, or other functions. In this case, you may use drawings/plans and/or photographs of the building as your primary source. You may also use premodern descriptions of the building or space (including spaces like gardens, such as Suzhou’s “Humble Administrator’s Garden” 拙政園). You may wish to consult secondary sources like Craig Clunas: Fruitful Sites.


5. Choose a work of ethnography (a detailed description of field work and/or case studies by an academic anthropologist or sociologist), focusing on peoples of China (including non-Han minorities 少數民族). Authors might include Fei Xiaotong 費孝通, Huang Xianfan 黃現璠, Lin Yaohua 林耀華, James and Rubie Watson, Helen Siu, Susan Greenhalgh, Yan Yunxiang 閻雲翔, Myron Cohen, or Jianhua Zhao, and pick a socio-cultural issue highlighted by that study (in this case, the ethnography may count as your “primary source”). Use analyses of cultural issues offered by one or more secondary works to offer some new









The post Chose a work of Chinese poetry, painting, and/or calligraphy such as those by artists listed in PPT 8. Analyze the total artistic effect in terms of Chinese and/or Western critical terms like fù 賦, bĭ 比, xīng 興, metaphor, personification, the “six principles” of painting (繪畫六法), and so on. If you chose a work of calligraphy or a painting with calligraphy on it, also comment on the effect of the interplay between what is written and how it is written/framed. You may wish to consult secondary sources like Stephen Owen (宇文所安) on Chinese poetry (many titles), Wu Hung: The Double Screen: Medium and Representation in Chinese Painting, or articles on calligraphy (in Chinese) by 薛龍春 (search the library database). appeared first on Apax Researchers.


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