H130 Tourism and Hospitality Management


In this assignment, you will explore some of the current opportunities and challenges faced by employees and management teams in the hospitality industry. You are required to choose one of the following topics to further explore for your research paper assignment. The purpose of this assignment is also to assist you in developing or further enhancing your university academic writing skills. I will work with you individually, throughout this course, revising various drafts of your paper. You will also have access to the services of the Writing center and the International Academic Support services. Please follow the instructions listed below for this assignment.

Diversity and the hotel workforce

You may choose to discuss the implications of a diverse workforce in the hotel industry: examples

  • How does a diverse working environment influence the leadership style in the hospitality industry?
  • What are some best practices for training and engaging a diverse group of employees?
  • What are some of the opportunities, benefits and challenges of having a diverse group of employees?
  • What are predictions in human resources for the future in the hospitality industry and how will the industry adapt.

Post pandemic opportunities for the Hospitality industry

You may wish to discuss the challenges and opportunities for the management teams in the recruitment and retention of employees in the hospitality industry during the pandemic and for the future. 

  • What is the current state of human resources the hospitality industry?
  • What are some opportunities for employers and potential employees like yourself entering in this industry? 
  • What are some best practices for training and engaging employees?
  • What are predictions in human resources for the future in the hospitality industry and how will the industry adapt?

You are required to send me (via email) an outline of your paper and a minimum of 3 written paragraphs by October 15th. You will also need to make an appointment to meet with me on Zoom during the week of October 18th or the week of October 25th to review your draft. (this is part of the rubric and grade for your paper).

You are also welcome to make an appointment with me any time prior or after the dates listed above to continue to review the progression of your paper throughout the semester.

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