HC3031 Trends In The Global Business Environment


This assessment consists of six (6) questions and is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit

Question 1

Senior in house human resource executives disagree on what the formative experiences are which influence young people, define their behaviour and assist in development of thoughtful and ethical executives. One idea is that it is studying university courses. Another newer thought is that observation and an opportunity for young people to watch what good leaders do and copy that behaviour is more effective.

Think of how you have been taught to handle difficult leadership situations and discuss what influence has impacted you the most and helped you deal with difficult ethical management/leadership situations. Please draw from commercial, family, sporting or other personal experiences.

Question 2

The CEO of a 200-year-old European bank with head office in Hong Kong had a meeting to determine the job specification for a new head of corporate governance.

  1. The CEO who wanted an executive who would work effectively to minimize compliance risk, be harmonious and help to sustain profits.
  2. The head of HR, who wanted an ethics/principles motivated person who would role model behavior for junior staff.
  3. The head of operations, who wanted a strong ‘black letter’ policy and procedures manual with “DO”, and “DO NOT” stipulated.

Discuss the different views with respect to enforcement of corporate governance, indicate with which view you agree and discuss it.

Question 3

International business executives often speak of corporate social responsibility, its application to their ‘home’ country and as well to international operations in host countries.  The history of many of these host countries may have included civil wars.  And, in these civil wars many field commanders committed horrible acts, but were efficient managers of resources and good strategists.

An international European company in establishing its operations in a host country focused on the management efficiency of their locally hired executives – to the exclusion of these executives past behaviour.

Evaluate the decision to choose corporate efficiency over morality from an economic, legal, ethical and discretionary perspective.

Question 4

MNCs employ expatriate executives who work in dangerous countries. At times they are approached by host country criminal groups which ask for bribes. If they are not prepared to pay bribes to these criminal groups these executives may be in mortal danger.

MNCs presently ensure the safety of ex patriot executives while living in the host country. However, there is a trend in the human resource profession for MNCs to also protect executives once they return to their home country and are no longer employed by the MNC. 

Another view is that expatriate executives are presently well compensated and receive already too many benefits.

Discuss these two views and describe which one you think is the most fair.

Question 5

Manufacturing processes will soon be able to build a BMW automobile in China with no human intervention. In the 1990’s there was a cost of about 50 person hours per car. Now, it is zero. It  can all be done by robots.

And the trend is for all manufacturing processes to move to a position where robots are responsible for all manufacturing.

The automobile industry is one of the largest employers of people in the world, and there is a question of employment for all of the people who lost their jobs to robots.

Discuss how you can ensure your employability in the future and avoid the movement to minimize employees. Think of innovation, continuing education and skill development. Also, consider a theory we learned which discussed skill as a factor endowment.

Question 6

Compare and contrast the different economic ideologies including: communism, socialism and capitalism. Define each ideology and think of different countries which have embraced each ideology.

What companies (if any) would be successful in each one of these countries? Discuss the characteristics of each company and consider whether they would subscribe to recent trends to adapt corporate social responsibility, gender equality and merit based promotion.  

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