IRHR2270 Introduction to Human Resource Management


You will choose and undertake a HRM Issue Analysis. The assessment task requires that you critically analyse the essay question related to your HRM focus area, drawing on information and research obtained from your HRM Issue Analysis.

Demonstrates detailed and thorough understanding of topic and its context, including challenges and best practices.

Demonstrates high level of business knowledge and understanding from different perspectives.

Develops strong, convincing and comprehensiv e argument(s) to address essay topic. Shows strong evidence of critical thinking from multiple points of view(across several relevant stakeholders).

Consistently applies relevant knowledge to address the essay questionthrough investigation,analysis, evaluation and synthesis of published research. Shows a high level of depth integrationand appropriateness of contentfor the topic.


  1. Diversity and inclusion is becoming an increasingly popular function of HRM. Explain why this is, reflecting on both consequentialist and non-consequentialist arguments. As a HR manager, which D&I practices/strategies would you embrace, and why?
  2. Managing expatriates is often a HR responsibility. What strategies would you put in place to manage some of the challenges associated with expatriates’ experiences? Justify your choices.
  3. What are some issues with traditional notions of job design? Explain what this means for designing jobs now and in the future, drawing on relevant theory.
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