MGMT436 Strategic Management: Personal Development Plan


The assessment is reflective account about your development as an aspiring manager and/or leader in the healthcare sector, including a Personal Development Plan (PDP). 

It is expected that a critical discussion of these points will include: 

• Using a range of relevant literature, explain how self-awareness and continuous self-development will help you to fulfil your role as a successful Leader or Manager in the future. This will involve critically reflecting on the importance of self-awareness and reflection in developing your own skills and competencies as a manager and leader in the future.

• Critical reflection of your own personal development needs for your future role as a manager/leader. What skills do you consider important as a manager and leader and why are they important? Identify areas of personal development as a (future) manager/leader
• Produce a Personal Development Plan that will highlight what skills you would like to develop and identify how you intend to do this
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