MKTG8011 Strategic Branding and Strategic Decisions


Give an overview of potential types of secondary sources of brand knowledge, select two types (e.g., country of origin, event, celebrity endorser, social media influencer, co-branding with other brands) to build customers’ knowledge of the brand from their Branding Group Presentation and describe the two types through one real-world example of other brands using the selected two types of secondary sources (one examples for each type – the examples do not have to come from the industry of your Branding Group Presentation)- Select one specific secondary source for each of the two selected types (e.g., a specific country, event, celebrity endorser, social media influencer, brand for co-branding) and explain why they choose this source and how this specific source helps to build customers’ brand knowledge (which specific associations are to be transferred/borrowed). This discussion should be closely related to the strategic decisions (target group, competitors, brand identity, brand positioning, brand elements) and Discuss the risks of using the selected specific secondary sources.
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