1. Explain the meaning of the following terms in an effective kitchen operation:
2. What is the purpose of the following pieces of equipment? How are they used?
3.Provide an example of how each of the following equipment is used in a kitchen when preparing or cooking foods including adjustments
4. Describe the dimensions of the following cuts and provide a menu example
5. Give three (3) examples of how you could use vegetable trimmings economically.
6.Provide 5 examples of how you can help prevent food poisoning by maintaining hygiene standards for equipment
7.What are the specific points of care when cleaning blenders, food processors and mixers to prevent potential health hazards? List the cleaner you would use and where you would use a sanitiser
8.List 4 examples of safety aspects which must be considered when using or cleaning equipment
9.You intend to use the meat slicer to cut salami. The machine won’t start. What should you check and what should you do if you cannot resolve the problem?