What are the advantages and disadvantages of the waterfall planning model for project development?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the waterfall planning model for project development? Essay Responses: All questions need to be answered in essay format (must be typed, doubled spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font, with 1″ margins, and all sources must be sited). Mathematical Responses: Students must show all the formulas and all procedures. Answers only will not be accepted, make sure to show all your work. Answers must be typed, double spaced, Times New Roman, 12 point font, with 1″ margins). 10.2 The advantage of Gantt charts lies in their linkage to the project schedule baseline. Explain this concept 10.6 In crashing a project, we routinely focus on those activities that lie on the critical path, not activities with slack time. Explain why this is the case. 10.10 Develop a Gantt chart with the following information. What is the expected duration of the project? What is the critical path? Activity Expected Duration Predecessors A 12 None B 8 None C 5 None D 10 A and B E 10 C and D F 5 A and B 10.15 Consider a project with the following information. Construct the project activity network using AOA methodology and label each node and arrow appropriately. Identify all dummy activities required to complete the network. Activity Duration Predecessors A 3 — B 5 A C 7 A D 3 B, C E 5 B F 4 D G 2 C H 5 E, F, G Activity Duration ES EF LS LF Slack A 3 0 3 0 3 — B 5 3 8 5 10 2 C 7 3 10 3 10 — D 3 10 13 10 13 — E 5 8 13 12 17 4 F 4 13 17 13 17 — G 2 10 12 15 17 5 H 5 17 22 17 22 — 10.17 Suppose you are considering crashing a project. The project’s network is as follows, along with a table identifying its critical activities and the crash costs for all tasks. What is the cost of the project? Which activities are the best candidates for crashing? What is the expected duration of the project once it has been fully crashed? What will the cost of the fully crashed project be? Project Activities and Costs (Normal vs. Crashed) Normal Crashed Activity Duration Cost (in U.S. dollars) Duration Cost (in U.S. dollars) A 4 days 1,000 3 days 2,000 B 6 days 1,800 3 days 3,000 C 4 days 2,500 3 days 4,000 D 9 days 2,700 6 days 6,500 E 8 days 2,400 6 days 4,500 F 5 days 3,500 3 days 7,000 G 2 days 2,400 1 day 3,000 Total costs = $16,300 $30,000 Crashing Costs Activity Crashing Costs per Day ($) On Critical Path? A 1,000 Yes B 400 Yes C 1,500 No D 1,267 Yes E 1,050 No F 1,750 Yes G 600 Yes 11.2 In considering how to make a big change in organizational operations (as in the case of switching to CCPM), why might it be necessary to focus on changing the organization’s current culture? That is, why does a shift in project scheduling require so many other linked changes to occur? 11.4 What are the advantages and disadvantages of the waterfall planning model for project development? 11.6 How are the duties of the Scrum Master like a project manager? How do they differ? 11.15 Assume the network diagram shown in Figure 11.19 . Megan is responsible for activities A and C. Use the critical chain methodology to resource-level the network. What are two options for redrawing the network? Which is the most efficient in terms of time to completion for the project? Show your work. FIGURE 11.19 11.17 Reconfigure the network in Figure 11.21 using the critical chain approach. Remember to reconfigure the activities to late start where appropriate. What is the original critical path? What is the original project duration? How much feeder buffer should be applied to the noncritical paths? What is the length of the project buffer? Assume the 50% likelihood is exactly half the duration of current project activities. FIGURE 11.21


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