EHL604_Assessment_1_Brief_Case Study_Due Week 5 Page 1 of 7Task SummaryAssessment 1 is an individual case study that requires students to critically analyse the maintopics covered in weeks 2, 3 & 4 of the course. The workshops, power‐point slides andlearning activities as well as prescribed texts will form the basis of the case study. There willbe a large focus on Disruptive Technology, Creativity and forms of innovation, Problemsolving with innovation and Exploration of emerging technologies. Several other relevanttopics will also inform your knowledge covered by the assessment.Specifically, students will utilise knowledge in the following areas; The Nature andImportance of Entrepreneurs, Behaviours of the most successful entrepreneurs,Entrepreneur vs Intrapreneur, Social Entrepreneurship; The Entrepreneurial Process;Understanding the customer – a hotel guest’s perspective; customer profiling; customerJobs, Gains and Pains and Customer journey mapping.The format of the individual case study will be a series of long and short answer questions toencourage students to critically analyse the related course material to date. This will be atake home style case study where students will work individually in their own time. Eachquestion will be designed to test the knowledge and analytical skills of students. ASSESSMENT 2 BRIEFSubject Code and TitleEHL604 Entrepreneurship for Hospitality LeadersAssessmentIndividual Case StudyIndividual/GroupIndividualLength1,500 words (+/‐ 10%)Learning OutcomesThe Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successfulcompletion of the task below include:a) Interpret the concept of entrepreneurship andintrapreneurship in the context of the Hospitality industry;b) Analyse current trends in innovation and disruptivetechnologies that assist problem‐solving in the hospitalityindustry;c) Evaluate the current literature on new conceptdevelopment and start‐ups in the hospitality industry.SubmissionBy 11:55 PM AEST/AEDT/ACST/ACDT Week 5 SundayWeighting30%Total Marks100 marks EHL604_Assessment_1_Brief_Case Study_Due Week 5 Page 2 of 7ExampleQuestion – Describe and discuss a current disruptive technology that has recently been usedin the hotel industry (100 words).Please consider the following prompts: Why did it become an effective technology in the modern era? Why was it adopted? What are some associated advantages and disadvantages?Answer – For some time now, guests have been frustrated with delays for checking in. Longqueues and wait times often contribute to guests experiencing poor service and leads tocomplaints (Frederick, O’Connor, & Kuratko, 2019). Recently, mobile check in and mobilekey were invented, and front desk now can simply be available for anyone wishing to usehistoric methods of in person check in, and other guests can use self‐serve for convenience.As most guests have a mobile device to hand this technological advance has become widelyadopted by many forward‐thinking hotels. Advantages include reduced labour cost anddisadvantages are relating to the mobility check in technology cost.Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.ContextAs a hospitality leader your role will be to have a working knowledge of entrepreneurial andintrapreneurial characteristics and processes. Additionally, a sound comprehension ofemerging technologies which impact the industry You will address the questions within thecase study using classroom learnings in the field of entrepreneurships as it relates to thehospitality industry in the modern era and help us to better hotel processes with a customercentric approach. You are required to complete broad research and analysis of coursematerials which helps us to understand the role of entrepreneurs in our industry.Task InstructionsPrepare answers to each question on one document and answer in numerical orderidentifying the question number being addressed. Attempt all questions. Read eachquestion carefully. To complete this assessment, you must answer each of the questionsand critically analyse the relevant course materials within the suggested word‐count of eachquestion. Students can prepare for the case study by partaking in the weekly class learningsand homework. There is a requirement to address at least 4 relevant references within yourwork.Short Answer Questions worth 10 marks (approx. 200 words each).Long Answer Question worth 30 marks (approx. 500‐600 words).ReferencingIt is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Pleasesee more information on referencing here in the Academic Writing Guide found via theAcademic Skills website.EHL604_Assessment_1_Brief_Case Study_Due Week 5 Page 3 of 7Submission instructionsPronoun: Please use third person throughout the report.Style: Research business report and ensure all writing is grammatically correct.Submission Guidelines:1. The assessment is due Sunday, week 5 (check the Turnitin date).2. Typed and formatted in a Word document.3. Submit this task via the Assessment link in Black Board via the main navigation menuin EHL604: Entrepreneurship for Hospitality Leaders. The Learning Facilitator willprovide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed inMy Grades.4. Students must refer to a minimum of 4 credible references in their work and providedetails of these in their reference list.5. All referencing must be in accordance with APA 7th edition Referencing andAcademic Writing Guide.6. See marking rubric attached at the end of this document. You do not need to attachthis rubric to your submissions.Academic IntegrityAll students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and isappropriately referenced and academically written according the Academic Writing Guide.Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia AcademicIntegrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. Theseare viewable online. Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and anyassessment drafts.EHL604_Assessment_1_Brief_Case Study_Module Due_Week5Page 4 of 7Assessment Rubric AssessmentAttributesFail(Yet to achieveminimum standard)0‐49%Pass(Functional)50‐64%Credit(Proficient)65‐74%Distinction(Advanced)75‐84%High Distinction(Exceptional)85‐100%Short answerquestion 1‐510% (each)Limited understandingof required conceptsand knowledge to theanalyse situation.Key components ofthe question are notaddressed.Knowledge orunderstanding ofrequired concepts andanalysis of situation.Resembles a recall orsummary of key ideas.Often confuses assertionof personal opinion withinformationsubstantiated byevidence from theresearch/coursematerials.Thorough knowledgeor understanding ofsituation within thecontext of the hotelindustry.Supports personalopinion andinformationsubstantiated byevidence from theresearch/coursematerials.Demonstrates acapacity to explain andapply relevantconcepts.Highly developedunderstanding of thesituation and a strongability to analyse theimpact of these on ahospitality business.Discriminates betweenassertion of personalopinion andinformationsubstantiated byrobust evidence fromthe research/coursematerials and extendedreading.Well demonstratedcapacity to explain adapply relevantconcepts.A sophisticatedunderstanding of thesituation and a verystrong ability toanalyse the impact ofthese on a hospitalitybusiness.Systematically andcritically discriminatesbetween assertion ofpersonal opinion andinformationsubstantiated byrobust evidence fromthe research/coursematerials andextended reading.Mastery of conceptsand application to newsituations/furtherlearning. EHL604_Assessment_1_Brief_Case Study_Module Due_Week5Page 5 of 7 Long Answerquestion 630%Limited understandingof required conceptsand knowledge to theanalyse situation.Key components ofthe question are notaddressed.Knowledge orunderstanding ofrequired concepts andanalysis of situation.Resembles a recall orsummary of key ideas.Often confuses assertionof personal opinion withinformationsubstantiated byevidence from theresearch/coursematerials.Thorough knowledgeor understanding ofsituation within thecontext of the hotelindustry.Supports personalopinion andinformationsubstantiated byevidence from theresearch/coursematerials.Demonstrates acapacity to explain andapply relevantconcepts.Highly developedunderstanding of thesituation and a strongability to analyse theimpact of these on ahospitality business.Discriminates betweenassertion of personalopinion andinformationsubstantiated byrobust evidence fromthe research/coursematerials and extendedreading.Well demonstratedcapacity to explain adapply relevantconcepts.A sophisticatedunderstanding of thesituation and a verystrong ability toanalyse the impact ofthese on a hospitalitybusiness.Systematically andcritically discriminatesbetween assertion ofpersonal opinion andinformationsubstantiated byrobust evidence fromthe research/coursematerials andextended reading.Mastery of conceptsand application to newsituations/furtherlearning. EHL604_Assessment_1_Brief_Case Study_Module Due_Week5Page 6 of 7 Effectivecommunication.Depth of Analysis,discussion andpersonal opinionevidenced andlinked to theory10%Difficult to understandfor audience, nological/clear structure,poor flow of ideas,argument lackssupporting evidence.Audience cannotfollow the line ofreasoningInformation, argumentsand evidence arepresented in a way thatis not always clear andlogical.Line of reasoning isoften difficult to followInformation,arguments andevidence are wellpresented, mostly clearflow of ideas andarguments.Line of reasoning iseasy to follow.Communicatescoherently andconcisely in a mannerthat adheres to thegiven format.Accurately employs awide range ofspecialised languageand terminology.Engages audienceinterest.Information,arguments andevidence arestructured and clear.Communicateseloquently.Expresses meaningcoherently, conciselyand creatively withinthe given format.Well supported byevidence,demonstrating a clearflow of ideas andarguments.Engages and sustainsaudience’s interest inthe topic,demonstrates highlevels of situationalsensitivityGrammar, Writtenexpression andreferencing10%Serious errors withsubmission. Thestudent is advised toattend Academic Skillsworkshops and seekassistance otherwiseacademic progressionmay be at risk.Demonstratesinconsistent use ofgood quality, credibleAcceptable submissionwith some errors withthe required format. Thestudent is advised toensure work is editedbefore submitting.Demonstrates use ofcredible and relevantresources to support anddevelop ideas, but theseA good attempt atformatting the essaycorrectly. Only a fewminor errors noted.Submission mayrequire a second edit.Demonstrates use ofhigh quality, credibleand relevant resourcesto support and developideasThe essay has only afew errors that requirea small amount ofediting. Evidence ofattention to detail isevident in the format /structure.Demonstrates use ofgood quality, credibleand relevant resourcesto support and developThe essay no errors.Evidence of very strongattention to detail isevident in the format /structure. EHL604_Assessment_1_Brief_Case Study_Module Due_Week5Page 7 of 7 and relevant resourcesto support anddevelop ideas.are not always explicit orwell developed.arguments andstatements. Showsevidence of wide scopewithin the organisationfor sourcing evidence The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessmentSLO A)Interpret the concept of entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship in the context of the hospitality industrySLO B)Analyse current trends in innovation and disruptive technologies that assist problem‐solving in the hospitality industrySLO C)Evaluate the current literature on new concept development and start‐ups in the hospitality industry