Teaching Experience Template Name of Experience: Enacting Native Australian Animals. Resource(s): Smartboard, Projector, PC, a YouTube Video, E-Flashcards (images of animals) Austrian native animal songs – Video for kids song and dance: Title, resource type and references (include multimedia) Title: Australian Native Animal Song Resource Type: Multimedia (Audio-Video Song) A brief description of the resource and its relevance In this experience, the pupil teacher is going to play an Audio-Video song (Found on YouTube) about the native animals of Australia for the children. This experience will prompt learning new vocabulary and an all round development (EducationalVideos, 2021). Rationale: The rationale of this topic forms its basis around the current popular trends in the Education sector. It is a well-known fact, that in the present day scenario, the aims of eduction are multi-facet and require a harmonious and all-round development of the learner. In this way, every lesson planned to education must focus not only at literacy and numeracy skills but also at their social, emotional, cultural, physical and sensory development (National Research Council et al., 2015). American-Canadian psychologist Albert Bandura has found that ‘imitation’ is the key element in the cognitive development of the children. Children observe, imitate and thus learn (Mcleod, 2016). Keeping these points in mind, this lesson plan has been developed to make children imitate the native Australian animals and acquire a new vocabulary. By watching the actions and images of the concerned animals in the video and enacting the same, they will also be able to relate their names to their conceptual frameworks. It will lead to their sensory and cognitive development as well, as they will be able to decode in the animal names into mental images.Age/class group: 4-6 y.o. no. of children: 20 Learning objectives/intentions of this experience 1. Students will be able to learn the native Austrialian animal names. 2. Students will be able to form a mental image of the native Austrilian animals (Their concepts will get clear). ☐ Language Development ☐ Physical development ☐ Cognitive development ☐ Social development ☐ Emotional developmentExperience process The audio-video song will be played first without interruptions.The pupil teacher will then ask the children to stand up and perform the actions they see in the song.Students will perform and sing along the video song 5-8 times.Afterwards, students will be asked to sit and the pupil teacher will introduce the E-Flashcards (Images of Kangaroo, Emu and Snake).The students will be asked to name the animals.Then the students will be divided in four teams having five children each. Every group will be given an animal image and they will be asked to enact their actions and articulate their sounds.EYLF Outcomes (maximum of two): Outcome 2- Children are Connected with and Contribute to Their World. By teaching about native Australian animals to the children, the pupil teacher can develop in children a sense of belongingness to the nation. As these animals (Kangaroo and Emu) are exclusive to Australia, the children will be able to identify themselves as Australians. This learning experience, has the potential to develop a sense of national identity and cultural unity. Moreover, this experience is also expected to trigger the emotional development of children indirectly by teaching ‘empathy’ to them. As the children will be required to enact the animals, the children will also develop a sense of empathy for them (Purewal et al., 2017). Using, scaffolding technique coined by Vygotsky, the pupil-teacher will prompt in children the love and care for animals. Outcome 5- Children are effective communicators This resource will enable the students to become an effective communicators as through this experience they will learn the active vocabulary. With the helpf of the knowledge of routine vocabulary, the students can learn to communicate effectively. Communication also enables a student to connect with others as it helps them express themselves. Thus, through this learning experience, it can be expected (indirectly) that students will develop socially and emotionally (PETIT, 2019).EYLF Practice This experience is rich in multi-sensory experience. This experience would serve the practice of adopting a holistic approach in EYLF. Besides, sensory development, the experience is also prompting physical and emotional development of the learners.In this activity, it has been planned to Create physical and social learning environment for children that which may have a positive impact on children’s learning. It is a play based activity which will allow children to imitate the animals and also articulate their sounds. Morever, as the children will perform certain parts of the activity in the groups of 5 students each, their social development will also find a place in the classroom. It will teach them team work and team spirits.Assessment- To assess the development of children, it has been planned to show images to the children of the concerned animals once again individually and separate from the rest of the children. The students will be required to name the animal correctly. The next move will be to first make them sing the learnt song first in chorus, then in the teams and then individually. Through, this assessment, the memory and comprehension-both the domains of the children can be assessed well. References EducationalVideos. (2019, May 23). Austrian native animal songs – Video for kids song and dance [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEfYWsagYWg&feature=youtu.be Mcleod, S. (2016, February 5). Social Learning Theory. Simply Psychology. https://www.simplypsychology.org/bandura.html National Research Council, Institute of Medicine, Children, B. Y. O., Committee on the Science of Children Birth to Age 8: Deepening and Broadening the Foundation for Success, Kelly, B. B., & Allen, L. (2015). Transforming the Workforce for Children Birth Through Age 8: A Unifying Foundation (BCYF 25th Anniversary). National Academies Press. PETIT. (2019, June 9). What is the Early Years Learning Framework? Petit Journey. https://www.petitjourney.com.au/early-years-learning-framework/ Purewal, R., Christley, R., Kordas, K., Joinson, C., Meints, K., Gee, N., & Westgarth, C. (2017). Companion Animals and Child/Adolescent Development: A Systematic Review of the Evidence. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(3). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph14030234