The purpose of this task relates to course learning outcome three: To advocate for healthy public policy across a range of stakeholder audiences. Goal: To demonstrate your knowledge and skills in developing an advocacy plan to advocate for a HiAP approach to a range of stakeholder audiences within the policy context. Advocacy is an important skill and competency required for professional practice in all professions, including health promotion.
Advocacy requires skills in communication to be able to interpret, translate and communicate important messages to various stakeholder audiences. Advocacy can be informal and formal, utilising a range of techniques, technologies and media platforms to communicate messages. Description: This is an individual assessment task.
The assessment task requires you to complete two parts: An advocacy plan (template available), and Two advocacy products. Advocacy plan You will complete the advocacy plan using the task template provided (see resources below on Blackboard). The advocacy plan is to be aligned to your Task 2 actions that you recommended.
Task 3 will draw on this insight to identify and justify who to advocate to and what to advocate to them about. In addition, you will consider the framing of key messages to your stakeholder audiences and identify and justify the most appropriate channels/mediums for this advocacy. As per the template, the advocacy plan includes three examples of advocacy strategies.
This was completed in Task 2. You may wish to reflect on your feedback from Task 2 and amend the recommendations for action as needed. Identify the appropriate audiences/policy actors to whom you will advocate a HiAP approach in your setting; Specify the key messages that will inform your advocacy to each audience/policy actor;
Identify the most appropriate channel/medium to deliver these messages;
Demonstrate the framing of your key message in an example ‘media bite’;
Provide a justification for why you have chosen the specific audience/policy actors, message, framing and channel/medium for each action, and Use credible sources to justify your advocacy plan, using Vancouver (JAMMA) style referencing .
Advocacy products (x2) This part of the assessment task requires you to develop two advocacy products (e.g. media release, blog, letter to a politician). The advocacy products should include: Two advocacy products of different genre.
The different genres have been covered in the course learning materials;
One of the advocacy products should be of a media advocacy genre;
The advocacy products should align to your advocacy plan. Include the key message, media bite and knowledge of how to frame your messages to specific audiences in your advocacy products.