Instructions for submitting your assessment:
Group Presentation – to be presented in class with times to be confirmed
Learning Outcomes being assessed:
This assessment will assess the following learning outcomes and will contribute 40% to your final grade:
1. Discuss factors that influence health and health behaviour
2. Locate, examine and present health data significant to specific population groups and across the lifespan
2. Locate, examine and present health data significant to specific population groups and across the lifespan
Group Assessment
All team members to complete and sign “Student Contribution Form” (located in Portfolio resources) which is then to be handed to Lecturer PRIOR to the presentation.
Instructions for Completing this Assessment
In preparation for this group activity your Lecturer will allocate you into groups of 3-4 members of your class. Your group can then select a community on which you will base your presentation. The community will be consistent with the area units utilised by Statistics NZ (see the following website http://www.stats.govt.nz/StatsMaps/Home/Maps/). Please check with your Lecturer the suitability of your chosen community.
Each group will use components of the ‘Community Assessment Wheel’ (Anderson & McFarlane, 2011) to survey their community and, on a date selected by the Lecturer, present their findings to their class peers. Important to this presentation is the following:
- The time allocated for each presentation is 20 minutes
- Each member of the group will equally participate in the preparation and presentation of their groups survey
- Each group can decide what presentation format they may like to use, e.g. posters, power-point
- All team members to complete and sign “Student Contribution Form” (located in Assessment Resources) which is then to be handed to Lecturer PRIOR to the presentation
- Resources to help with your Community Survey (including the ’Community Assessment Wheel’) can be found on Moodle under BN501 ‘resources’
- Assessment One is worth 40% of your final mark
Marketing Criteria
You will be marked on the following criteria:
- Findings of the community survey
- Quality of presentation
- Evidence of team presentation
1. Findings of the community survey (20mark)
2. Quality of presentation (10mark)
3. Evidence of team presentation (10mark)
Student Declaration:
This assignment is my own work, except where I have acknowledged the contribution or use of the works of other people.