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BSc Health and Social Care – My Assignment Tutor

Page 1 of 13ASSESSMENT 2APPENDIX GA36b LEVEL 5 ASSESSMENT SPECIFICATION Student name:Student ID number:Programme:BSc Health and Social CareModule:Changemakers: Building your Personal Brand for SustainableEmploymentModule code:BMHP5015_BIRMContribution toOverall ModuleAssessment (%):50%(part 2 of 2)Lecturer:Chloe HarriesInternal Verifier:Assignment Title:Assignment 2: WrittenDocumentWord count (orequivalent):2000 wordsequivalent (-/+ 10%)Submissiondeadline:Week 12 – Friday 10thDecember 2021 at 3pm GMT.Return date ofprovisional marks& written feedback:January 2022Submissionmethod:All written assessments, where practical and possible, must be submitted viaTurnitin unless otherwise instructed by the Lecturer. (Please DO NOT put thisassessment specification into Turnitin or it will match many similarities withother students’ submissions.)Alternative submission method (if applicable):Late submission of the assessment will result in a late penalty mark.Penalties for late submission: Up to one week late, maximum mark of 40%.Over one week late, 0%. Only the Extenuating Circumstances Panel mayapprove a change to submission dates.Academichonesty /referencing:Academic honesty is required. In the main body of your submission you mustgive credit to authors on whose research and ideas your work is based. Appendto your submission a reference list that indicates the books, articles, etc. thatyou have used, cited or quoted in order to complete this assessment. Page 2 of 13 Module Learning Outcomes(from module syllabus)• Evaluate personal employability skills and their congruence with the skills requiredfor professional practice in a real or simulated environment.• Build a personal brand and promote a professional identity for a specific opportunity. TASK DESCRIPTION Write an assignment up to 2000 words (+/- 10%) addressing the following parts:Part 1. Using 1500 words – identify the key learning points which you have gained because ofcompleting the Changemakers: Building a Personal Brand for Sustainable Employment module.Draw upon aspects from each of the four units of the module e.g., Brand you, it is a Small World,Opportunity Knocks and The Pursuit of Happiness to identify your knowledge and critically evaluateyour understanding of your personal employability skills and their congruence with the skills requiredfor professional practice in a real or simulated environment.Part 2. Using 500 words – Build a personal development plan (PDP) which identifies skills you willneed to be successful in your chosen field and how you plan to develop them in priority under (withpredicted dates). An example of a PDP template is provided below.Page 3 of 13Personal Development Plan (PDP) Example SKILLCURRENTABILITYTARGETABILITYDEVELOPMENTOPPORTUNITYCRITERIA TOJUDGE SUCCESSTIMEFRAMEEVIDENCE1stPRIORITY2ndPRIORITY3rdPRIORITY Page 4 of 13 GUIDANCE FOR STUDENTS IN THE COMPLETION OFTASKS NOTE: The guidance offered below is linked to the five generic assessment criteria overleaf.1. Engagement with Literature SkillsYour work must be informed and supported by scholarly material that is relevant to and focused on the task(s)set. You should provide evidence that you have accessed an appropriate range of sources, which may beacademic, governmental and industrial; these sources may include academic journal articles, textbooks,current news articles, organisational documents, and websites. You should consider the credibility of yoursources; academic journals are normally highly credible sources while websites require carefulconsideration/selection and should be used sparingly. Any sources you use should be current and up-todate, mostly published within the last five years or so, though seminal/important works in the field may beolder. You must provide evidence of your research/own reading throughout your work, using a suitablereferencing system, including in-text citations in the main body of your work and a reference list at the end ofyour work.Guidance specific to this assessment:• Literature will be cited throughout the work, supporting the points made. General SubmissionGuidance• All of your written submissions must include a title page that clearly states your name, your studentnumber, the module code and title, your lecturer’s name, and your assignment title.• All of your written submissions should be typed in Arial font, size 12.• All of your written submissions should be typed with 1.5 line spacing.• All of your written submissions should have an appropriate structure, include page numbers, and havea reference list.• A minimum of 8 credible and reliable sources of information must be found, referenced and utilised.• A reference list should appear at the end of the assignment in a reference list.• Harvard style referencing should be used throughout (in the text and reference list, ensuring that it isin alphabetical order.• Each reference cited in the text must have a corresponding reference in the reference list.2. Knowledge and Understanding SkillsAt level 5, you should be able to demonstrate: sound knowledge and critical understanding of the wellestablished concepts and principles of the subject area and the way in which those principles havedeveloped; knowledge of the main methods of enquiry in the discipline. Knowledge relates to the facts,information and skills you have acquired through your learning. You demonstrate your understanding byinterpreting the meaning of the facts and information (knowledge). This means that you need to select andinclude in your work the concepts, techniques, models, theories, etc. appropriate to the task(s) set. Youshould be able to explain the theories, concepts, etc. meaningfully to show your understanding. Yourmark/grade will also depend upon the extent to which you demonstrate your knowledge and understanding.Guidance specific to this assessment:• Students must demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the importance of being able to build apersonal brand for sustainable employment in the academic text drawing upon novel solutions and orvalue creation.• A secure understanding should be demonstrated by means of consistent reference to relevantpublished information sources. It should be evident that the student has read the referenced materialin the body of your work.3. Cognitive and Intellectual SkillsPage 5 of 13You should be able to critically analyse information, and propose solutions to problems arising from thatanalysis, including the critical evaluation of the appropriateness of different approaches to solving problems.Your work must contain evidence of logical, analytical thinking, evaluation and synthesis. For example, toexamine and break information down into parts, make inferences, compile, compare and contrast information.This means not just describing what! But also justifying: Why? How? When? Who? Where? At what cost? Atall times, you must provide justification/evidence for your arguments and judgements. Evidence that youhave reflected upon the ideas of others within the subject area is crucial to you providing a reasoned andinformed debate within your work. Furthermore, you should provide evidence that you are able to makesound judgements and convincing arguments using data and concepts, with an understanding of the limitsof knowledge, and how this influences analyses and interpretations. Sound, valid conclusions are necessaryand must be derived from the content of your work. Where relevant, alternative solutions andrecommendations may be proposed.Guidance specific to this assessment:• There should be a clear logical argument justifying the focus from the material from units e.g., Brandyou, it is a Small World, Opportunity Knocks and The Pursuit of Happiness.• Evidence from the current published academic literature which has been critically evaluated in thebody of the text.4. Practical SkillsAt level 5, you should be able to use/deploy a range of established techniques within the discipline, and applyunderlying concepts and principles outside the context in which they were first studied, including, whereappropriate, the application of those principles in an employment context. You should be able to demonstratehow the subject-related concepts and ideas relate to real world situations and/or a particular context. Howdo they work in practice? You will deploy models, methods, techniques, and/or theories, in that context, toassess current situations, perhaps to formulate plans or solutions to solve problems, or to create artefacts,some of which may be creative. This is likely to involve, for instance, the use of real world artefacts, examplesand cases, the application of a model within an organisation and/or benchmarking one theory or organisationagainst others based on stated criteria. You should show awareness of the limitations of concepts andtheories when applied in particular contexts.Guidance specific to this assessment:• All points must to made relevant to the questions asked in the assignment brief.• Draw upon any limitations of concepts in the material that you have used to demonstrate therelationship between the academic perspectives and the creativity that shapes society.5. Transferable Skills for Life and Professional PracticeYour work must provide evidence of the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiringthe exercise of personal responsibility and decision-making. This includes demonstrating: professionaldevelopment to advance existing skills and acquire new competences that will enable you to assumesignificant responsibility within organisations; that you can initiate and complete tasks and procedures,whether individually and/or collaboratively; that you can use appropriate media to effectively communicateinformation, arguments and analysis in a variety of forms to specialist and non-specialist audiences; fluencyof expression; clarity and effectiveness in presentation and organisation. Work should be coherent and wellstructured in presentation and organisation.Guidance specific to this assessment:• The work should be coherent and well-structured so that it flows from one argument to the next, withappropriate introductions and summaries.• Please use Arial 12 font with 1.5 spacing, a title page and appendices if appropriate. You may chooseto use subheadings to organise your work into appropriate sections if desired.• Sentences need to be short and employ academic language throughout.• You should add the word count at the end of the assignment.Page 6 of 13 STUDENT FEEDBACK FORM This section details the extent to which the assessment criteria are demonstrated by you, which in turn determines yourmark. The marks available for each category of skill are shown. Lecturers will use the space provided to comment onthe achievement of the task(s), including those areas in which you have performed well and areas that would benefitfrom development/improvement. Generic Assessment CriteriaMarksavailableMarksawarded1. Engagement with Literature Skills.202. Knowledge and Understanding Skills203. Cognitive and Intellectual Skills204. Practical Application Skills205. Transferable Skills for Life and Professional Practice20 Page 7 of 13 Assessment Mark (Assessment marks are subject to ratification at theExam Board. These comments and marks are to give feedback on module workand are for guidance only until they are confirmed. )Late Submission Penalties (tick ifappropriate)%Up to 1 week late (40% Max)Over 1 week late (0%) Page 8 of 13 GENERIC ASSESSMENT CRITERIA Level 5In accordance with the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, at the end of Level 5 students will be expected to havedeveloped sound knowledge and critical understanding of the well-established concepts and principles in their field of study, and ofthe way in which those principles have developed. They will have learned to apply those concepts and principles more widelyoutside the context in which they were first studied, including, where appropriate, the application of those principles in anemployment context. They will have knowledge of the main methods of enquiry in the subject area, and ability to evaluate criticallydifferent approaches to problem solving. They will possess an understanding of the limits of their knowledge, and how thisinfluences their analyses and interpretations. They will be able to use a range of established techniques to initiate and undertakecritical analysis of information, and to propose solutions to problems arising from that analysis. They will be able to effectivelycommunicate information, arguments and analysis in a variety of forms to specialist and non-specialist audiences, and deploy keytechniques of the discipline effectively. They will be able to undertake further training, develop existing skills and acquire newcompetences that will enable them to assume significant responsibility within organisations. They will have the qualities andtransferable skills necessary for employment requiring the exercise of personal responsibility and decision-making. Level 5FAILMARGINAL FAILSATISFACTORY(3rd / Pass)GOOD(2.2 / Pass)VERY GOOD(2.1 / Merit)EXCELLENT(1st / Distinction)EXCEPTIONAL(1st / Distinction)Category0-29%30-39%40-49%50-59%60-69%70-84%85-100%Engagementwithliterature(includingreading,referencing,academicconventions andacademichonesty)Little or noevidence ofreadingand/orreliance oninappropriatesources.Views andfindingsmostlyunsupportedand nonauthoritative.Poorengagementwith essentialreading. Noevidence ofwider reading.Reliance oninappropriatesources,and/orindiscriminateuse ofsources.Engagementwith a limitedrange ofmostlyrelevant andcrediblesources.Someomissionsand minorerrors.ReferencingconventionsEngagementwith anappropriaterange ofliterature,includingsourcesretrievedindependently. Some overreliance ontexts.ReferencingEngagementwith a widerange ofliterature,includingsourcesretrievedindependently.Selection ofrelevant andcrediblesources.Engagementwith anextensiverange ofrelevant andcredibleliterature.Consistentlyaccurateapplication ofreferencing.Exceptionalengagementwith anextensiverange ofrelevant andcredibleliterature.High-levelreferencingskillsconsistentlyapplied. Page 9 of 13 Level 5FAILMARGINAL FAILSATISFACTORY(3rd / Pass)GOOD(2.2 / Pass)VERY GOOD(2.1 / Merit)EXCELLENT(1st / Distinction)EXCEPTIONAL(1st / Distinction)Category0-29%30-39%40-49%50-59%60-69%70-84%85-100%Referencingconventionsusedincoherentlyor largelyabsent.Heavily reliantoninformationgainedthrough classcontact.Inconsistentand weak useofreferencing.evidentthough notalwaysappliedaccurately orconsistently.may showminorinaccuraciesorinconsistencies.Very gooduse ofreferencing,with no/veryfewinaccuraciesorinconsistencies.Knowledgeandunderstanding (Soundknowledge andcriticalunderstanding ofthe wellestablishedconcepts andprinciples in theirfield of study;knowledge of themain methods ofenquiry in thediscipline.)Major gaps inknowledgewithunsatisfactory, uncriticalunderstanding of thesubjectmatter. Muchirrelevantmaterial.Substantialinaccuracies.Significantlyflawedunderstanding of the mainmethods ofenquiry in thediscipline.Fragmentaryknowledge,with onlysuperficialcriticalunderstanding. Somesignificantinaccuraciesand/orirrelevantmaterial.Incomplete orpartiallyflawedunderstanding of the mainmethods ofenquiry in thediscipline.Limited butadequateknowledgeand criticalunderstanding of the wellestablishedconcepts andprincipleswithin thesubject area,with a fewgaps in theselection ofmaterial. Anarrow criticalunderstanding of the mainmethods ofenquiry.Knowledge isreasonablydetailed andaccurate. Agood criticalunderstanding of the wellestablishedconcepts andprinciples andthe mainmethods ofenquiry, withminor gaps inthe selectionof material.Knowledge isreasonablyextensive.Exhibits verycompetentcriticalunderstanding of the wellestablishedconcepts andprinciples ofthe subjectand the mainmethods ofenquiry.Breadth anddepth ofknowledge.Excellent,detailedknowledgeand highlycriticalunderstanding of the wellestablishedconcepts andprinciples ofthe subjectand the mainmethods ofenquiry.Exceptionallydetailedknowledgeandoutstandingcriticalunderstanding of the wellestablishedconcepts andprinciples ofthe subjectand the mainmethods ofenquiry. Maygo beyondestablishedtheories.CognitiveandWholly oralmost whollyLargelydescriptiveLimitedattempt atSome criticalevaluationSound criticalevaluationExcellentcriticalOutstandingcritical Page 10 of 13 Level 5FAILMARGINAL FAILSATISFACTORY(3rd / Pass)GOOD(2.2 / Pass)VERY GOOD(2.1 / Merit)EXCELLENT(1st / Distinction)EXCEPTIONAL(1st / Distinction)Category0-29%30-39%40-49%50-59%60-69%70-84%85-100%intellectualskills(Criticalevaluation andanalysis ofconcepts andprinciples;argument andjudgement; thelimits of theirknowledge, andhow thisinfluences theiranalyses andinterpretations.)descriptivework. Little orno criticalevaluationand analysisof conceptsandprinciples.Failure todeveloparguments,leading toillogical orinvalidjudgements.Unsubstantiatedgeneralisations or opinion,made withoutuse of anycredibleevidence.work, withsuperficialuse of criticalevaluationand analysisof conceptsandprinciples.Weakdevelopmentof argumentsandjudgements.Informationaccepteduncritically,usesgeneralisedstatementsmade withscantevidence andunsubstantiated opinions.Ideassometimesillogical andcontradictory.criticalevaluationand analysisof conceptsandprinciples,tendingtowardsdescription.Someevidence tosupportargumentsandjudgementsbut these maybeunderdeveloped, with alittleinconsistency/ misinterpretationor failure tofullyrecogniselimits ofknowledge.and analysisof conceptsandprinciples,thoughdescriptive inparts.An emergingawarenessthe limits oftheirknowledgeand ability touse evidenceto support theargumentthough withsometendency toassert/stateopinion ratherthan argue onthe basis ofreason andevidence.Mostly validargumentsand logicaljudgements.and analysisof concepts.Is selective inthe range ofevidenceused andsynthesisesrather thandescribes.Ability todeviseargumentsthat showawareness ofdifferentstances, anduse evidenceconvincingly,to supportappropriateand validjudgements.evaluationand analysisof conceptsand principlesleading tological,evidencebased,reasonedargumentsandjudgements.Explicitrecognition ofother stancesand a strongawareness ofthe limits oftheirknowledge.A capacity forindependentthought andability to ‘seebeyond thequestion’,suggestingsome graspof the broaderfield andwiderconcepts.evaluationand analysisof conceptsandprinciples.Usesevidenceexceptionallywell toconnectideas, andsupport highlylogical andpersuasive,argumentsandjudgements.Evidence ofindependentthought andability to ‘seebeyond thequestion’,suggesting aclear grasp ofthe broaderfield andwiderconcepts.Perceptiverecognition ofthe limits of Page 11 of 13 Level 5FAILMARGINAL FAILSATISFACTORY(3rd / Pass)GOOD(2.2 / Pass)VERY GOOD(2.1 / Merit)EXCELLENT(1st / Distinction)EXCEPTIONAL(1st / Distinction)Category0-29%30-39%40-49%50-59%60-69%70-84%85-100%theirknowledge,and how thisinfluencestheir analysesandinterpretations.Practicalskills(Apply underlyingconcepts andprinciples morewidely outside thecontext in whichthey were firststudied; use arange ofestablishedtechniques;propose solutionsto problemsarising fromanalysis.)Limited or nouse ofestablishedmethods,materials,tools and/ortechniques.Little or noappreciationof the contextof theapplication.Limitedunderstanding of theapplication oftheory topractice ormakingappropriatelinks betweenthe two.Very weakproblemRudimentaryapplication ofestablishedmethods,materials,tools and/ortechniquesbut withoutconsiderationandcompetence.Flawedappreciationof the contextof theapplication.Weakunderstanding of theapplication oftheory topractice, withonlyoccasionalAn adequateawarenessand mostlyappropriateapplication ofestablishedmethods,materials,tools and/ortechniques.Basicappreciationof the contextof theapplication.Theoreticalknowledgeandunderstanding applied inpractice, butnot alwaysmakinglogical linksA good andappropriateapplication ofestablishedmethods,materials,tools and/ortechniques.Clearappreciationof the contextof theapplication.Mainlyconsistent,accurate andlogicalapplication oftheory topractice,makingappropriatelinks betweenthe two.A very goodapplication ofa range ofestablishedmethods,materials,tools and/ortechniques.Very goodconsiderationof the contextof theapplication,withperceptiveinsights.Consistent,accurate andlogicalapplication oftheory topractice,makingappropriateAn advancedapplication ofa range ofestablishedmethods,materials,tools and/ortechniques.The contextof theapplication iswellconsidered,and insightful.Consistent,accurate andlogicalapplication oftheory topractice,making welldevelopedlinks betweenthe two. CanExceptionallevels ofapplicationanddeploymentskills usingestablishedmethods,materials,tools and/ortechniques.Consistent,accurate andlogicalapplication oftheory topractice,making highlydevelopedlinks betweenthe two. Canidentifyroutine andnon-routine Page 12 of 13 Level 5FAILMARGINAL FAILSATISFACTORY(3rd / Pass)GOOD(2.2 / Pass)VERY GOOD(2.1 / Merit)EXCELLENT(1st / Distinction)EXCEPTIONAL(1st / Distinction)Category0-29%30-39%40-49%50-59%60-69%70-84%85-100%solving skillsoutside thecontext inwhich theywere firststudied.evidence ofmakingappropriatelinks betweenthe two.Weakproblemsolving skillsoutside thecontext inwhich theywere firststudied.between thetwo.Can identifyproblems andpropose basicsolutionsoutside thecontext inwhich theywere firststudied.Can identifyproblems andproposemostlyappropriatesolutionsoutside thecontext inwhich theywere firststudied.links betweenthe two. Canidentifyproblems andproposeappropriatesolutionsoutside thecontext inwhich theywere firststudied.Evidence ofsomecreativity.identifyproblems andproposeexcellent,creativesolutionsoutside thecontext inwhich theywere firststudied.problems andpropose quitesophisticated,creativesolutionsoutside thecontext inwhich theywere firststudied.Transferableskills for lifeandprofessionalpractice(Effectivelycommunicate in avariety of formsto specialist andnon-specialistaudiences; thequalities andtransferable skillsnecessary foremploymentrequiring theexercise ofpersonalresponsibility anddecision-making.)Communication medium isinappropriateor misapplied.Work ispoorlystructured,disorganisedand/orconfusinglyexpressed.Very weakuse oflanguageand/or veryinappropriatestyle. FailureCommunication medium ispoorlydesignedand/or notsuitable forthe audience.Work ispoorlypresented ina disjointedmanner. It isloosely, andat timesincoherently,structured,withCancommunicatein a suitablemedium forthe audiencebut with someroom forimprovement.Mostlyorderedpresentationand structurein whichrelevant ideas/ concepts arereasonablyexpressed.Cancommunicateeffectively ina suitablemedium forthe audience,but may haveminor errors.Mostlycoherent,organisedwork, in asuitablestructure andis for the mostpart clearlyexpressed.Cancommunicatewell,confidentlyandconsistently ina suitablemedium forthe audience.Work iscoherent,fluent, wellstructuredandorganised.Can workvery wellCancommunicateprofessionallyconfidentlyandconsistently ina suitablemedium forthe audience.Work iscoherent,very fluentand ispresentedproficiently.Can workautonomouslyCancommunicatewith anexceptionallyhigh level ofprofessionalism, highlysuitable forthe audience.Work isexceptionallycoherent,very fluentand ispresentedprofessionally. Can work Page 13 of 13 Level 5FAILMARGINAL FAILSATISFACTORY(3rd / Pass)GOOD(2.2 / Pass)VERY GOOD(2.1 / Merit)EXCELLENT(1st / Distinction)EXCEPTIONAL(1st / Distinction)Category0-29%30-39%40-49%50-59%60-69%70-84%85-100%to workeffectively aspart of agroup. Littleor noevidence ofthe skills foremploymentrequiring theexercise ofpersonalresponsibilityand decisionmaking.informationand ideasoften poorlyexpressed.Weak use oflanguageand/orinappropriatestyle. Flawedapproach togroup work,meeting onlypartialobligations toothers.Limitedevidence ofthe skills foremploymentrequiring theexercise ofpersonalresponsibilityand decisionmaking.Work maylackcoherence inplaces. Canwork as partof a group,meeting mostobligations toothers butperhaps withlimitedinvolvementin groupactivities.Demonstratesthe basicskills foremploymentrequiring theexercise ofpersonalresponsibilityand decisionmaking, withsome areasof minorweakness.Can workeffectivelyindependentlyand/or as partof a team,with clearcontribution togroupactivities.Demonstratesthe skills foremploymentrequiring theexercise ofpersonalresponsibilityand decisionmaking, withsome areasof strengthand some ofminorweakness.autonomouslyand/or as partof a team,with verygoodcontribution togroupactivities.Demonstratesvery goodskills foremploymentrequiring theexercise ofpersonalresponsibilityand decisionmaking, withjustoccasionalminorweakness.with initiative.Whererelevant canworkprofessionallywithin a team,showingleadershipskills asappropriate,and meetingobligations.Demonstratesexcellentskills foremploymentrequiring theexercise ofpersonalresponsibilityand decisionmaking andan appetitefor furtherdevelopment.exceptionallywell within ateam,showingleadershipskills.Demonstratesexceptionalskills foremploymentrequiring theexercise ofpersonalresponsibilityand decisionmaking andan appetitefor furtherdevelopment.


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