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For this essay, you will draw on the primary source documents linked below, especially the section entitled “Motives and Attitudes,” to explain the arguments European elites gave for their imperial projects at the end of the nineteenth century. Use a close reading of the online textbook to provide historical context for your argument. Your essay should explore the relationships among various arguments for empire, i.e., the way, for example, racism may have buttressed calls for civilization or how evangelical impulses may have undercut or supported economic arguments. Take at least two of the arguments you think are most important and explore their interaction.



The last major wave of imperial expansion in world history developed in earnest after 1875. It came to an end, more or less, with the outbreak of World War I in 1914. The rationale for empire was, as we saw in Unit 6, diverse. Economic motivations for markets, labor, and raw materials, evangelical religion, racism, and an Enlightenment-inspired visions of a civilizing mission were among the principle arguments public officials gave for their imperial projects. There was not one argument, of course, but many. The real world does not exist in black and white. Shades of grey are critical to understanding the past and present. The purpose of this essay is to encourage students to think critically about the complexity of official justifications for imperialism and to explore how these rationales could support or contradict one another.


For this essay, you will draw on the primary source documents linked below, especially the section entitled “Motives and Attitudes,” to explain the arguments European elites gave for their imperial projects at the end of the nineteenth century. Use a close reading of the online textbook to provide historical context for your argument. Your essay should explore the relationships among various arguments for empire, i.e., the way, for example, racism may have buttressed calls for civilization or how evangelical impulses may have undercut or supported economic arguments. Take at least two of the arguments you think are most important and explore their interaction.

  • https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/mod/modsbook34.asp


copy and paste the above link in your search bar


Expectations and Criteria for Success:

You should base your discussion with the information in the Unit 6 course content module as well as the two sources linked above, but outside research is allowed if needed.  Outside research should be supplemental to the two primary sources attached to this essay.  DO NOT use Wikipedia as a source.  As always, be sure to keep track of where you find your information so that you can provide citations in your final essay.  Essays should be typed in 12-point font with a simple, clean font such as Times New Roman. Use 1″ inch margins on all sides and double-space the text. Your essays should each be around 1000 words.

Successful essays should be carefully organized, with strong thesis statements and specific evidentiary support.  In your introduction, briefly describe the context of the documents that you are analyzing. The body of the essay will focus on analyzing/explaining two justifications that can be seen in more than one document/context. Combine evidence from multiple primary sources and context from the class text to make an argument about how Europeans justified imperialism. And note that the best essays will also explore the connections between the two justifications (how did they “support or contradict” each other?). Conclude by assessing how these justifications shaped 19th-century imperialism. Be sure to revise and edit carefully.


Important General Essay Guidelines

When writing essays for the course, please follow these guidelines:

  1. For your essay heading, Use only ONE LINE.  Type your name and History 1112 and the Unit Number.  THAT IS ABSOLUTELY ALL FOR YOUR HEADING.  DO NOT USE THE STANDARD COLLEGE UPPER LEFT CORNER HEADING.
  2. Essays should be typed in 12-point font with a simple, clean font such as Times New Roman. Use 1″ inch margins on all sides and double-space the text. DO NOT SUBMIT APPLE .PAGES DOCUMENTS.  CONVERT THEM TO WORD (.DOC or .DOCX) or .PDF DOCUMENTS.
  3. Twenty points (20 points) will be deducted for not adhering to the above guideline.
  4. To earn a “A”, your essay must by at least five pages long, including a separate MLA-style Works Cited page at the end.  That means you must spend at least four FULL pages discussing the topic. You may use other scholarly sources outside of the course materials. For course material, simply type “Course, and the applicable Unit Number for your in-text citation and Works Cited page reference. Failure to include a Works Cited page and/or in-text citations to indicate where you obtained your information will incur an automatic 25 point deduction from your essay.
  5. Since an essay is required each week, beginning with Week 2, do not wait until the due date to begin your essay.
  6. Proper grammar and spelling should be used in your essays. Both will be graded. Be sure to revise and edit your essays carefully.
  7. Essays must address every part of the essay prompt. Ideas and information should be carefully considered and presented. Essays should begin with an introduction, which states the purpose of the essay, including a thesis if needed, and provides the historical context for the topic. The body of the essay is next, which includes multiple paragraphs that present information from your sources in response to the essay prompt in a careful and logical manner. The body is where you provide the analysis of the topic. The final part of the essay is the conclusion, which summarizes the main material presented in the essay while also suggesting wider historical connections or discussing the general significance of the material.
  8. All information from sources used in an essay must be cited within that essay. All direct quotations from sources must be place in quotation marks.  Citations should be made following the MLA style.  For guidance on the MLA sytle, go to OWL at Purdue.
  9. The final page of the essays should be the MLA-style Works Cited page.










The post For this essay, you will draw on the primary source documents linked below, especially the section entitled “Motives and Attitudes,” to explain the arguments European elites gave for their imperial projects at the end of the nineteenth century. Use a close reading of the online textbook to provide historical context for your argument. Your essay should explore the relationships among various arguments for empire, i.e., the way, for example, racism may have buttressed calls for civilization or how evangelical impulses may have undercut or supported economic arguments. Take at least two of the arguments you think are most important and explore their interaction. appeared first on Apax Researchers.


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