The Structural Model
Please address items 204, 209, and 210 for review
204- Some feminists take exception to Minuchin’s insistence that a well- functioning family requires hierarchies, arguing that this view runs the risk of maintaining sexual stereotypes. How was your family organized? Was there a rigid or flexible organization? Did it promote sexual stereotyping? What were the consequences of any sexual stereotyping?
209- Reframing the meaning of certain behavior can provide a fresh perspective and make that behavior more understandable and acceptable. Reframe the following:
a. Mother pokes into my private matters too much.
b. Father frightens the family when he drinks too much.
c. Sister is selfish and only thinks of herself.
d. Brother gets away with murder because he’s the youngest child.
210- How does the reframing in the previous question change your feelings about the troublesome behavior?