The ever-changing business environment has historically presented economic and social challenges for employees, customers, and communities. When companies adopt corporate social responsibility (CSR) principles, this reflects the fundamental belief in doing what’s right in consistent, equitable, and sustainable ways. As consumers of their products and services, we all have a part to play in ensuring that companies adhere to their own CSR guidelines. The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on the nature and importance of CSR with the view to raising awareness about the ethical concerns that this concept may raise. Instructions This is an individual assignment which contributes to the overall Assignment grades worth 25%.
This assignment has two major steps. Follow the instructions in each step and answer the questions that follow. Step #1: Arguments for and Against CSR Read the articles: • Epstein-Reeves, James (2021). Six reasons companies should embrace CSR. Forbes. Retrieved from • Pontefract, Dan (2016). Faking Corporate Social Responsibility Does Not Fool Employees by Dan Pontefract. Forbes. Retrieved from Answer the following questions [Cite your sources using APA format].
1. If you were asked to present on CSR, what would be your top THREE strongest for and top THREE weakest arguments against CSR? Use examples to explain your answer.
2. In your own words, explain what is meant by the terms greenwashing and symbolic corporate social responsibility. Step #2: CSR Analysis Select any ONE of the companies from the list below. Click on the company name to watch the short video. • Starbucks • The Coca-Cola Company • Johnson & Johnson • BMO’s Net Zero Strategy • ATB: Changing Lives Answer the following questions [Cite your sources using APA format].
3. Provide a brief summary of the company you selected, including the product(s) or service(s) they provide and their commitment to CSR.
4. Using either Carroll’s Pyramid of CSR or the Triple Bottom Line approach to evaluating a company’s CSR, identify any THREE stakeholder interests you think your company are targeting the most.
5. Do you think the company is greenwashing and/or demonstrating symbolic corporate social responsibility? Explain your answer. 6. To what extent does the company’s approach to CSR influence your purchasing decisions?
Explain your answer. Grading (Rubric) Your response will be assessed according to the following criteria: Excellent 90-100%: Demonstrates a thoughtful understanding of the writing prompt and subject matter; uses specific and convincing examples to support claims; makes insightful and applicable connections Good 75-89%: Demonstrates a thoughtful understanding of the writing prompt and subject matter; uses relevant examples to support claims; makes applicable connections Satisfactory 64-74%: Demonstrates a basic understanding of the writing prompt and subject matter; uses examples to support most claims with some connections made Poor 50-63%: Demonstrates only a marginal understanding of the writing prompt and subject matter; uses incomplete or vague examples; no connections made Failure 0-49%: Insubstantial; incomplete; not submitted.