You are the room leader in an early childhood service with children aged 3-5 years. Your team within the room includes yourself, 2 diploma educators, a trainee educator and a teachers aid with an individual support qualification. The children and families in your setting are diverse and as a result you need to ensure your curriculum and teaching practices are reflective and inclusive of this diversity. Currently you have 30 children attending across the week, and the exceptionality situational context is:
- Five children who a multilingual in two languages
- Two children with speech and communication difficulties
- One child with autism
- One child with giftedness and transitioning to school next year.
- Two children with chronic health issues
- One child with a sensory processing impairment and transitioning to school next year.
- Two children experiencing trauma
- Three children experiencing anxiety
- Three children with undiagnosed behavioural concerns
- Ten children with no identified additional needs
Ensure your Inclusive Education Plan includes:
An introduction to your room’s understanding and approach to inclusive education, including the provision of an inclusive curriculum and teaching practices required.
A completed Inclusion Strategic Plan
Completed Individual Education Plans (IEP) where appropriate.
Completed Individual Behaviour Support Plans (IBSP) where appropriate.
Completed Transition to School Statements (TSS) where appropriate.
A conclusion on how all the children within the learning environment are:
- having their rights respected o developing agency and respect for others o developing as active and global citizens
A compiled Bibliography (in replace of references and reference list).