Instructions This week we are going to debrief one another’s LHC “Left-Hand Columns” that were posted in last week’s discussion forum. Verify this is last week’s discussion. Taking the discussion posts further, you will decide if the “starting with why” approach would have resulted in more positive outcomes during their conversations. Prepare your responses in a Word document. You do not need to use any additional resources, but you may and should use your textbook. Include a cover page and include your textbook on the reference page. Your report should be approximately two to three (2-3) pages long, not including the cover page and the reference page. STEP 1 Read two of your classmates’ debriefs (situations) in last week’s discussion. Choose one discussion and copy/ paste this debrief at the top of your page. Assume you are the person your classmates are speaking to. How do you interpret what you, as the other person, said or did? STEP 2 Summarize each of the two situations. How can they transform their conversation by “starting with why” to help bring about good and positive outcomes? Can you sense their “purpose” within their conversation? How could they insert or breathe more purpose into the conversation?

Instructions This week we are going to debrief one another’s LHC “Left-Hand Columns” that were posted in last week’s discussion forum. Verify this is last week’s discussion. Taking the discussion posts further, you will decide if the “starting with why” approach would have resulted in more positive outcomes during their conversations. Prepare your responses in a Word document. You do not need to use any additional resources, but you may and should use your textbook. Include a cover page and include your textbook on the reference page. Your report should be approximately two to three (2-3) pages long, not including the cover page and the reference page. STEP 1 Read two of your classmates’ debriefs (situations) in last week’s discussion. Choose one discussion and copy/ paste this debrief at the top of your page. Assume you are the person your classmates are speaking to. How do you interpret what you, as the other person, said or did? STEP 2 Summarize each of the two situations. How can they transform their conversation by “starting with why” to help bring about good and positive outcomes? Can you sense their “purpose” within their conversation? How could they insert or breathe more purpose into the conversation?


Don`t copy text!
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