Society and Social Justice Module Summary module description. This module aims to explore the social, cultural and economic issues that shape an individual’s educational opportunities and pathways. We consider the ways that social

Society and Social Justice Module

Summary module description.
This module aims to explore the social, cultural and economic issues that shape an individual’s educational opportunities and pathways. We consider the ways that social organisations and social structures can promote and reinforce social inequalities amongst different groups of people, especially by socio-economic status (class), gender and ethnicity. Each session presents a different theme relevant to educators concerned about social justice. Students are introduced to key concepts and issues in the sociology of education. Our primary aim is to question the notion of meritocracy and you are encouraged to draw upon your own experiences in exploring how social justice issues are constituted and contested. You will be assessed by an individual 15 minute presentation.

Module aims •

To offer an introduction to the ways that socio-economic status (class), gender and ethnicity impact on different educational outcomes

• To consider the role and value of social theory in making sense of how social inequalities can be reproduced.

Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:

• Identify some of the common barriers to social equality
• Identify the impact of social inequality on educational attainment and life course outcomes •Evaluate the value of theory in making sense of social inequality
• Students will have developed an understanding of a substantial body of knowledge about social justice issues
• Students will have increased their ability to communicate information in both oral and written communication

Assignment Brief
Summative Assessment(Assignment) Individual presentation (100%)

Submit a reflective narrative of their educational experiences for up to 15 minutes, situated in the context of topics covered in the module. This must be backed up by academic theorists and researchers that support, criticise, argue or suggest changes to be made to promote these inequalities in the society.

Gender: People’s views on gender inequality especially female/girls education in Nigeria or Africa and how it prevented girls like me from going to university. Now at the age of 48 I am trying to catch up with loss learning I missed as a teenager/ young adult. How can this be done differently or improve female education in Nigeria

Race: Bias in hiring native english speakers in certain sectors while ethnic minorities are left out.

Submit a copy of their presentation slides with a full reference list Minimum of 5. A marking grid will be provided for a more detailed breakdown of the assessment criteria.

You will be assessed on your ability to:

• Ensure that all content is relevant to the task and demonstrate knowledge and understanding of core issues
• Demonstrate a reflective stance of own experiences in the context of wider academic literature
• Reference in line to the APA 7th edition
• The ability to communicate academically, both orally and visually
• Submission of pre-recorded individual presentation with video and audio narration
• Submission of presentation slides with full reference list Submission Deadline

Recommended us to use Journals and other academic sources and also look at the work of people theorist:

Philosopher Judith Butler
Professor David Gillborn

The following podcasts are also highly recommended to support your learning:

The Sociology Show (Matthew Wilkin) Interviews with a range of sociologists on their personal backgrounds and their research interests (many of which are on the module reading list) Surviving Society (Chantelle and Tissot):

Challenging ‘common-sense’ understandings of ‘race’, class and gender through public sociology


What the discussion is about(Background information on the subject of discussion


All content should be linked to or supported by literature.
Draw evidence from different academic sources and compare their views on the various points you are going to make. Also use these evidences to support/ discuss your stance.


Summarise your evidence and reinstate your stance more strongly based on the evidence you provide. Show some reflection over all.

Summarise everything you wrote about from your research. For example is it still the same, are there any proposed changes?, what has changed?,

Do you think the view of people about gender inequality of female education has changed in Nigeria from the eighties or will change soon? What about education for BAME in the UK?


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