This assignment is worth 100% of the total marks for the module You are required to compile a portfolio of material that highlights your learning and development. Note that you should introduce the portfolio with an overview of your approach and conclude with a summary of the parts. Your portfolio should be a maximum 3000 words excluding the cover page, table of contents, introduction, conclusion, reference list and necessary appendices. It may be submitted as either a MS Word or Adobe Acrobat document. The portfolio should be word processed as a

This assignment is worth 100% of the total marks for the module

You are required to compile a portfolio of material that highlights your learning and


Note that you should introduce the portfolio with an overview of your approach and

conclude with a summary of the parts.

Your portfolio should be a maximum 3000 words excluding the cover page, table of

contents, introduction, conclusion, reference list and necessary appendices. It may be

submitted as either a MS Word or Adobe Acrobat document.

The portfolio should be word processed as a SINGLE document for all parts of this

assignment and include a table of contents with page numbers on each page as a footer.

Review your activity notes, blogs, reflective and study notes as a basis for your work.

Refer to the online course material and answers to online activities to refresh your


There are three tasks:

Task One

This task is about reviewing sources of information about the topic; ‘The importance of

Emotional Intelligence in health care.’ You will need to find two websites, one journal

article, and one textbook that contain information on the topic.

Under the heading of each resource you have found, give a brief summary of each one,

then evaluate it for its currency, credibility (experience of authors, whether it is peer

reviewed or not etc), scope and intended audience.

(500 words)

Task Two

This task should be presented as an essay. For this task use the resources you found in

task 1 (the two websites, the journal article and the text book) plus any additional sources

you feel are relevant to discuss and evaluate your topic of ‘The importance of Emotional

Intelligence in health care.’ In your response, ensure that you discuss and give an indepth account of the five dimensions/components of emotional intelligence

(Ensure you use citation in your writing to acknowledge sources of information)

(1,500 words)

❖ A reference list for all three tasks (Arden University Harvard styl


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