INFT3100 Project Management | Human Resources Management



This section will give an overview of project scope, background information, project approach and MOV (measured organizational value) that will be used to efficiently deliver a solution for the current situation.

Project Scope

This project focuses on reducing patient wait times on Canberra’s COVID testing sites using a website. This will reduce the number of patients and will provide safety to our field workers on site. To do this, a website will be designed to assure that patients can be notified about appointment timings, being able to make bookings and register personal details on the ACT Health database through the website. The project will commence on time as being a high priority and will be initiated by the project team (Project Manager, Technical Experts and Field Experts and Project Sponsor) (Bernie Roseke, 2020).

Background information

To Assure safety and better health for Canberra’s community and considering the current situation of COVID pandemic. There are a rising number of new cases in ACT and has also encouraged new exposure locations. There are long queues that exceeds 7 hours of wait times at COVID testing sites. There are field workers and other patients who might get infectious, and this would impact the service provided by those health workers. For example, if there are 1000 cars waiting to get tested and only 30 field workers at site, ready to assist. How could this process become easier and more efficient? And how could this process bring safety to both the stakeholders. The solution to this problem can only result in designing a website that is able to solve problems regarding the current situation. Hence, this proposal has been proposed to assure that ACT health delivers the best possible solution to the Canberran community (ACT Government: Covid-19, 2021).

Project Approach

The approach selected in this proposal will be SDLC (Waterfall model) methodology as this methodology will guide the project team to effectively develop and manage this project on time. Each stage of this methodology will help monitor each task and deliverables of this project. The methodology will also assure that the objective and scope of this project are aligned with the requirements to assure project success (MaRs Startup tool, 2021). Lastly, the methodology will also give a clear structure to project tasks in WBS and will help the project team to communicate information easily while completing tasks (Lucidchart, 2021).

Measurable Organizational Value:

The MOV statements will be used as project objectives to assure that the project is appropriately developed and aligned with the scope of the project. The below MOV statements have been established with detailed steps as shown below:

Statement 1:

1) Area of Impact: Customers (Patient)

2) Desired Value: Reducing Appointment time

3) Appropriate Metric: 20 mins

4) Timeframe: 3 Months

5) Verify the MOV: The stakeholders will discuss to assure that the MOV will increase effectiveness of tasks for our patients

6) Summary: Our aim is to reduce patient wait time to 20 mins within 3 months to make COVID testing sites more effective to our patients.

Statement 2:

1) Area of Impact: Social

2) Desired Value: Safety

3) Appropriate Metric: 95%

4) Timeframe: During the test venue

5) Verify the MOV: At this stage different stakeholders will make sure that these appropriate safety measures can be created to assure safety for patients through successful implementation of this project.

6) Summary: 95% of our patients will feel safer as a smaller number of patients will be present at COVID testing site within 6 months.

Resources, Timelines, Estimated Costs, WBS and Gantt’s Chart:

This section gives an overview of the required resources, estimated cost of the expenditure, timelines for when this project will be completed, work breakdown structure and Gantt’s chart.

There are typical two types of resources required in this project which are human and cost resources involved in the project life cycle. The required resources have been evaluated based on project needs and wants (requirements), through these a proper project budget has been developed to determine the projected cost.

1) Human Resources: The human resources will be curial to this project as tasks are needed to be assigned at the start of each project phase. The project tasks will be dependent on the human resources of this project, due to this reason the right tasks will be assigned to everyone on the basis on their skillset; this will also make the cost of project budget minimized as staffing costs will considered first before allocating any other resources to this project (e Silva and Costa, 2013).

2) Cost Resources: In this project there will be different costs considered to run this project through its life cycle, like administrative, overhead, and other costs associated in this project. However, the cost management of this project may vary through each stage of the project.

Timeline of the Project:

The project timeline will be very curial towards the success of this project, as there will be different predecessors on which the other tasks will depend upon before moving on to a different phase/stage of the project. Hence the timeline has been developed through which the tasks would effectively be completed within the given timeframe. The figure below details the timeline of the project COVIDSmart Testing:

In this proposal the code of ethics will guide the team to professionally treat each other’s during the project and will help the team accomplish the project milestones as a team and to assure fairness plays its role in team dynamics of this project.

Below is the code of ethics that will be followed by each team members:

1) Integrity of work: Making sure integrity is met between the stakeholders whilst doing project task and to avoid finding shortcuts in completing these tasks.

2) Respecting in a professional manner: Making sure that everyone gives an equal amount of respect to others whilst doing a task, if a conflict arises it is individual responsibility to respectfully treat others with professionalism.

3) Maintaining privacy: Each member of the project should be aware of maintaining privacy of what is done within the organization. It would be against the values and ethical conduct of an individual to give any information that would result in a privacy breach of this organization.

4) Responsibility and accountability: Each member of the project should take full responsibility of their actions that would result in holding each other accountable. Under professionalism and code of conduct if an individual would make a certain mistake, it is expected that individuals should take responsibility of their actions and learn from their mistakes.

5) Being honest with each other: Individual team members should be honest to each other whilst doing a group task within the organizational setting.

6) Treating everyone with equality and fairness: Each member of the project should treat each other with equality and fairness, it is expected that each member of the project does not discriminate others appearance or way of doing work within the project.

These ethics will encourage sustainability in the project and will also encourage the project team members to practice this code of ethics. It will be the responsibility of project manager in the team to assure that these ethics are practiced appropriately to a get a better outcome of the project (Mishra, Dangayach and Mittal, 2011).

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