Key influences on uk planning

Key influences on uk planning

The brief for this piece of written coursework is to identify the ten things that you think have done most to shape the planning system in the UK, its goals, and the way that it works, and to justify your choice. Those things could be individuals, organisations, events, pieces of legislation or concepts and ideas. The choice is yours; what matters is that you can justify your choice in terms of the impact they have had on planning in the UK.


In organising your answer, you might allocate approximately 300 words for each of the ten things. It does not matter if you use more or less than 300 for each entry: we will not be monitoring this for its own sake. However, making a good job of each entry means developing a good argument, so do try to apply roughly the same number of words to each entry. It is not necessary to have an overarching introduction or conclusion to your set of ten entries


In writing about each of your ten influential things, be sure to be very succinct in describing what they are about, so that you can spend time on explaining and justifying why they should be considered influential and pointing to evidence to back up your argument. You do not need to arrange your entries in order of relative importance. (This would be quite tricky to do, and you would be left weighing up quite different things).









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