Create a story, play, or video that answers the question: What was life like in the Middle Ages for people at different economic and social levels?

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Medieval Christian Europe
Directions: Create a story, play, or video that answers the question: What was life
like in the Middle Ages for people at different economic and social levels?
Your story, play, or video will be set in the Middle Ages and in a country you have
read about. You will create characters, give them dialogue, and build a plot around
There is no specific way to complete this assignment. Feel free to pick the option
that you feel most comfortable with and that will enable you to best meet the
Develop Questions
When you read about this period of history, you may wonder about what life was
really like for the people who lived on manors, in castles, and in towns and cities.
Knowing more about how medieval Europeans lived, what they believed, and how
they spent their time will deepen your understanding of this exciting time.
What Makes a Good Story, Play, or Video?
Take notes for each bullet point, recording information you think might help you as
you work on your story, play, or video:

The subject must be interesting.
The plot must pull the reader along.
The reader needs to care about the characters.
The setting need to be clearly portrayed.
The writing must be crisp, clear, and engaging.
Plan the Investigation
Think about the driving question: What was life like in the Middle Ages for people at
different economic and social levels? Then, try to break the driving question down
into smaller, related questions, especially as it relates to the Middle Ages and the
forms of government that were slowly emerging.
Here are some examples:

How did people and governments protect towns and villages from foreign
invasions and attacks?
How did ordinary people experience the Church and religion in their daily
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• Who made the laws and punished those who broke them?
• Who took care of poor, weak, and sick people?
• Who built roads, bridges, and ports?
Finally, ask: How can I create an interesting, appealing, and informative story,
play, or video to present my information about life in the Middle Ages?
Identify Your Topic
Choose a topic for your story, play, or video. In order to accomplish this, you will:
• decide what you want your story, play, or video to convey.
• decide on the method you will use to present your story, play, or video.
• research and write the dialogue and text for your story, play, or video.
After you have chosen your topic, begin by brainstorming about the story you want
to tell. Think about good ways to present this information visually if you are
creating a video, as well as about how best to use dialogue and background text to
make your information about life in the Middle Ages clear to readers.
As an example, you might want to focus on how monarchs, nobles, or the Church is
involved in everyday life. You could show two peasant farmers meeting to discuss
the harvest and how much they will be allowed by their lord to keep. Or, you might
show two townspeople talking about what the local noble or Church leaders could
do to keep them safe from the plague.
Conduct Research
Research the content of your story, play, or video. When you have decided on the
topic, you should find information about life in the Middle Ages that will be useful
when you write and design your story, play, or video.
For example, if your topic is “the Black Death” and you have decided to write about
how local authorities tried to keep people safe from the epidemic, you will need to
locate information on medieval science and medicine, ways people in the Middle
Ages kept homes and public places clean, and other related subjects.
Make a list of things you want to learn about to help you more fully understand the
topic of your story, play, or video.
Create and Edit
Create and edit your story, play, or video. Think about effective ways to transfer
the information you learned in your research.
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Use the chart to help you organize your story, play, or video. Your portfolio project
is your own unique creation, so there is no specific way to complete it. Therefore,
the number of characters, the setting, and the plot are all up to you.
Character 1
Character 2
Character 3
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The post Create a story, play, or video that answers the question: What was life like in the Middle Ages for people at different economic and social levels? appeared first on Apax Researchers.


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