Forecast what would happen to an organization if these issues were not addressed and resolved by the average firm or person. Finally, how do these issues relate to concepts discussed in other classes you have attended in the College of Business? November 28, 2021/in Business /by Sam Finkelstein’s book, Why Smart Executives Fail Based on our discussion of the Finkelstein’s book, Why Smart Executives Fail, you should have a good understanding of the myths about strategy, leadership, and management.

Forecast what would happen to an organization if these issues were not addressed and resolved by the average firm or person. Finally, how do these issues relate to concepts discussed in other classes you have attended in the College of Business?
November 28, 2021/in Business /by Sam
Finkelstein’s book, Why Smart Executives Fail
Based on our discussion of the Finkelstein’s book, Why Smart Executives Fail, you should have a good understanding of the myths about strategy, leadership, and management. First, tell me the three most important strategic issues that you see in the book that are relevant Our business policy and strategy class course. Second, tell me why these issues are
important for a firm, and you, today. Forecast what would happen to an organization if these issues were not addressed and resolved by the average firm or person. Finally, how do these issues relate to concepts discussed in other classes you have attended in the College of Business? Do you think the issues identified in your book are generalizable to all firms like profit, public, non-profit, and governmental agencies? Why or why not? What surprised you in this book and why? Your response to this exercise should be at least three (3) pages in length (i.e., double-spaced, 1” margins)

Construct a professional business presentation for internal and external stakeholders. Identify your key message to both internal and external stakeholders.
November 28, 2021/in Business /by Sam
7-1 Project Three
In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

Utilize information from industry and scholarly sources to inform problem solving and decision making
Analyze quantitative and qualitative data to solve problems and make decisions that impact organizations and their
Communicate professionally to diverse internal and external audiences
Your presentation to the leadership panel of your company was well received. Now you must create a presentation for a wider audience—stakeholders from inside and outside the company—and include your decisions and recommendations, which were approved by the leadership panel. Remember that your presentation must convey professionalism and be visually appealing as well as informative.

Create a presentation of your research and data findings from Project Two including your decision and rationale.

Construct a professional business presentation for internal and external stakeholders.
Identify your key message to both internal and external stakeholders.
Illustrate your key points using visualizations.
Tell your story.
Specifically include the following in your presentation:

Communicate your decision about diversification based on your analysis of the data and research.
Use visualizations to tell the story of the (quantitative and qualitative) data.
Determine the likelihood of success based on the data and research collected.
Discuss the impact that moving to the new industry will have on the organization and its internal and external stakeholders.
Detail your recommendations for moving forward.
Summarize findings of the research performed.
Include research conclusions and reasoning.
Describe the rationale behind your recommendations.
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit a Powerpoint presentation of 10 to 15 slides including speaker notes. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

Evaluate how technology could be embedded in this process or evaluate how this has already been achieved. What supporting functions are linked to this operation management practice and evaluate how can they assist with ensuring organizational success?
November 28, 2021/in Business /by Sam
Operations and Service Management
Select an organization and apply all four of the questions below.
Ensure work is supported with evidence from research (academic theory and company research)
A brief introduction and conclusion is also required which is included in the word count.
Word count is 2,500 (+/– 10%)

1. Identify one operation management practice within a chosen organization.

2. Critically analyze how this operation management practice impacts the organization in regards to efficiency.

3. Evaluate how technology could be embedded in this process or evaluate how this has already been achieved.

4. What supporting functions are linked to this operation management practice and evaluate how can they assist with ensuring organizational success?

Devise a detailed Budget for these recommendations. How much, if anything, will each recommendation cost? These figures must be reasonable and doable for your company.
November 27, 2021/in Business /by Sam
You’ll choose a multinational company that has robust offices on two or more continents. You’ll investigate their company culture and current problems they’re experiencing. Choosing 1 of these problems, you’ll zero in on a piece of this problem. By persuasively arguing for 4 recommendations, the proposal will be written as if you are a company employee tasked with resolving, diminishing, or ameliorating this piece of the problem. A budget providing the costs to implement your recommendations will be part of the proposal.

1.Choose 1 current company problem to work with for this project. “Current” is defined as still extant right now. You’ll need at least 3 sources from within the last 6 months verifying that the problem exists today

2. Write a persuasive mock Proposal tasked with solving a facet of the problem. You are not solving the whole problem, only a piece of it. After logically showcasing relevant points, argue for 4 new recommendations the company can implement together to diminish or eliminate the problem. You are proposing 4 new actions that work in concert; you are NOT providing 4 options of which the supervisors will choose 1. These recommendations must be your own; they can’t be what the company is already doing.

Devise a detailed Budget for these recommendations. How much, if anything, will each recommendation cost? These figures must be reasonable and doable for your company. This proposal is from one employee or on behalf of a company team to another company team or group of other employees and will be written in the appropriate professional tone and

Since the larger problem is in actuality not yet solved, the piece of the problem you are focusing on isn’t either. You are safe to assume that the company has had many barriers internally and possibly externally in dealing with the problem. Therefore to make headway, the proposal must be very skillfully argued. To do this you must factor in company culture. Do NOT include “I”, “me”, “my”, “we”, “our”, and “you” and “your”. The linguistic distance will evoke a more formal and serious tone.

Proposal sections are as follows and in this sequence (from p. 286 in our textbook. See the Proposal Contents document on iLearn for details): Letter of Transmittal; Executive

Summary; Title Page; Table of Contents; List of Illustrations (optional, only if you include supplementary non-text information); Introduction; Background; Problem; Purpose; Proposal; Plan; Schedule; Staffing; Budget; and Authorization. See student exemplars on iLearn for a general idea; please notice the frequent content repetitions throughout. In text citations must back up all data. In the Proposal you may include graphs, diagrams, photographs, illustrations, web links, and any other information types if suitable but they are not required. If you do, put the citation information immediately below them and in the References. If you created your own graphic, cite yourself.

Note the Proposal component of Project 4 has many sections, of which the actual proposal is one.

Students are to propose three B2B marketing strategies that should be implemented by TaKaDu, in order to face the described problem, and indicate two KPIs for each strategy
November 27, 2021/in Business /by Sam
Industrial Marketing
Case Study – Situation Understanding
Description: Students must read the given TaKaDu case study and write a 400 to 500–word summary of the situation.

Case Study – Main Problem Identification
Description: Based on the company’s situation, students must identify and write TaKaDu’s main problem in a 150 to 200–word paragraph.

Task 2.3: Case Study – Solution Proposal
Description: Students are to propose three B2B marketing strategies that should be implemented by TaKaDu, in order to face the described problem, and indicate two KPIs for each strategy

What are the challenges private gyms owners faced during the Covid-19 lockdown gym closure in Edinburgh?
November 27, 2021/in Business /by Sam
Challenges faced during the Covid-19 lockdown
Essay Question; What are the challenges private gyms owners faced during the Covid-19 lockdown gym closure in Edinburgh?

Analyze the strengths of the moral solution presented by your chosen ethical theory in ways that demonstrate how it is superior to the moral solution offered by the other ethical theory.
November 27, 2021/in Business /by Sam
Factory Farming (Purdue)
In this written assignment, you will present your work on the case analysis using selected components of an argumentative essay as described in Sections 9.1 and 9.2 of With Good Reason: A Guide to Critical Thinking (Hardy, Foster, & Zúñiga y Postigo, 2015). This written assignment will include a revised and polished version of your discussion work, the presentation and support of two premises, and an analysis of how your chosen ethical theory offers the best moral solution to the business problem in your case analysis.

Using the components of the argumentative essay located in Sections 9.1 and 9.2 of With Good Reason: A Guide to Critical Thinking (Hardy, Foster, & Zúñiga y Postigo (2015), your assignment should include the following:

An introduction. This is the “Problem” portion of the essay that is covered in Section 9.1: The Argumentative Essay (Hardy, Foster, & Zúñiga y Postigo, 2015). This should be an improved version of the introduction in your initial post, revised on the basis of your professor’s feedback and additional research. In this introduction you will need to (a) identify the specific issue or problem that you want to address and give an impartial presentation of the controversy, (b) articulate briefly the characteristics of the economic system that serves as the setting for the business, and (c) examine the laws that affect the operations of the business. The introduction should be one paragraph of around 200 words in length.

Start a new paragraph with a precise and clear sentence in which you state your moral position with regard to the case that you presented in your first paragraph. This is known as stating your thesis. (See the “Thesis” passage in “The Argumentative Essay” in Hardy, Foster, & Zúñiga y Postigo, 2015). The thesis you state here should be an improved version of the thesis in your initial post in the discussion, revised on the basis of your professor’s feedback and your reading of “The Argumentative Essay” indicated above.

A thesis is only one sentence, so do not write a series of sentences, or a complex sentence with explanatory clauses (e.g., “because…” or “since…” or “according to Dr. Mary Expert, an economist with the Bureau of Labor statistics…”, or “a law that was ratified with 80% votes in favor…”). An example of a precise and clear thesis is this: “Factory farms are not morally justifiable” or, of course, the opposite point of view: “Factory farms are morally justifiable.” Keep in mind that your thesis in this assignment will be the basis for the argumentative essay of the Week 5 written assignment, so take your time when formulating this thesis.

Ethical theory. In the same second paragraph as the thesis statement, identify the ethical theory that supports your moral position. You may choose from utilitarianism, duty ethics, or virtue ethics. Present the characteristics of the ethical theory in a broad sketch, and include citations and references in APA form. Then, apply your chosen ethical theory by explaining how it lends itself to the moral position that you are defending.

Two premises. Present at least two reasons in support of your thesis and these should be presented in the form of a claim. These are called premises. Articulate each premise in one clear and grammatically correct sentence. Review Section 9.1 of With Good Reason: A Guide to Critical Thinking (Foster, Hardy, and Zúñiga y Postigo, 2015). Start a new paragraph for each.

In the rest of the paragraph, support your premise by presenting an analysis of how the ethical theory lends itself to the best solution. This analysis includes articulating the characteristics(s) of the economic system at work that support the claims in your premises. It also includes examining the effects of the law(s) at work that also support the claims in your premises.

Comparative analysis. In the final paragraph, analyze how this application lends itself to a solution that is superior to that offered by one of the ethical theories that you did not select. To do this, provide a clear statement describing the moral solution offered by this other theory. For example, if you chose utilitarianism to apply to your case, then you can choose from either virtue ethics or deontology for your comparative analysis. Explain in no more than three sentences what moral solution would result from the application of this other ethical theory. See the “Sample Case Analysis Download Sample Case Analysis” for an illustration of how this would look like. Finally, analyze the strengths of the moral solution presented by your chosen ethical theory in ways that demonstrate how it is superior to the moral solution offered by the other ethical theory.

What is meant by “marriage between manufacturing and retailing” in this case? How is Zara’s supply chain strategy aligned with its overall business strategy? How does technology fit in with Zara’s supply chain processes? What is the value of Zara setting up most of its factories as independent profit centers?
November 27, 2021/in Business /by Sam
Zara’s industry
First, use the Integrated Supply Chain Framework to map Zara’s key processes. Identify and show the company’s processes in the Supply Network, Integrated Enterprise and Market Distribution Network blocks of the framework.
Next, answer the following questions based information from the case you read:

Supply Chain Strategy
* What is meant by “marriage between manufacturing and retailing” in this case?
* How is Zara’s supply chain strategy aligned with its overall business strategy?
* How does technology fit in with Zara’s supply chain processes?
* What is the value of Zara setting up most of its factories as independent profit centers?
* How does Zara’s supply base in Asia and elsewhere fit with its supply chain strategy?
* How does Zara’s make or buy decision processes and criteria contribute to profitability and competitiveness?

Supply Chain Performance
* What is meant by “negative working capital”? How does Zara achieve this?
* What metrics does Zara use and that are considered critical or most important?
* What processes or activities are key to Zara’s industry-leading inventory management performance?
* Why is speed critical to Zara’s business model and, therefore, to Zara’s supply chain? Why is accuracy and shrinkage so important to Zara?

The Future
* Do you agree with Zara’s assessment that the “Internet would not have a radical impact on their retail operations”? What is your reasoning?
* “I’ve seen clean models, H&M, Zara, Uniqlo … they know how to do volume and fashion and do it with their own brands,” Mr Russo (Wesfarmers CEO) said. “The only thing they are not doing right is they are over-priced. If I can clean my model up they will regret making the trip Down Under.” Given what you know of Zara from this case, why is this statement surprising?
* What do you see as the limitations of Zara’s supply chain model? What is your reasoning?
* How do you think Zara will need to improve or change to maintain its competitive advantages?

How can you present this evidence in your portfolio and make easy reference to it? How can you reflect on this evidence with enough context for readers to understand? What learning can you identify?
November 27, 2021/in Business /by Sam
use Gibbs Reflection to reflect on my career Plan and one link attached below
What experiences, activities and/or events are you going to reflect on?
o How can you present this evidence in your portfolio and make easy reference to it?
o How can you reflect on this evidence with enough context for readers to understand?
o What learning can you identify?
o How will these experiences inform your future professional development and practice?
o How will these experiences inform and define your career goals?

Discuss the quality of the data sources and elements you will be using in terms of relevance to the business problem, completeness, and correctness. State how any issues with data quality will impact the applicability of your analysis.
November 27, 2021/in Business /by Sam
You must complete a final Business Analytics Project that addresses a business problem using the tools learned in this course along with real-world data. Research topics should emulate a real life situation for which a company/organization might seek an answer and chose to perform analysis to evaluate alternative courses of action. Your project must go beyond using solely Excel functionality and utilize one of the analytics tools of this course – linear programming, simulation, decision trees, or data mining. Further it should incorporate visualization to tell your story.

Your project topic must be approved by the instructor. Each part of the Business Analytics project is detailed below. Possible topics may include any of the applications covered in this course but you are encouraged to look for a topic that is relevant to an organization with which you are involved.

Each part of the project must be submitted based on the course schedule provided. All parts are to be electronically submitted using the Blackboard site. An assignment structure with grading elements will be provided on the course Blackboard site. There are four parts to this project as described below:

Part 2 – Data Discovery and Preliminary Data Analysis (10% of final grade)

For this part of the assignment, you need to complete an in-depth analysis of the data sources and elements you will use for your project. Data discovery involves identifying potential sources of the data you need and narrowing down to those sources that are relevant and can be obtained. Preliminary data analysis involves a careful examination of the data you identify to ensure its quality and to ensure that it is relevant to the business problem you are analyzing.

Your submission should be three to four double-spaced pages, not including data tables and charts which should be placed in a properly titled appendix with each table or chart labeled appropriately and referenced in the paper. Your submission must include the following sections:

• Cover Page to include the Title of the Research Project, your name, etc.
• Data Discover and Preliminary Data Analysis
o Data Sources: Identify each data source to be used in your analysis. Identify the business source of its origin and discuss its relevance to the project in terms of the business source originating it. There is no need to discuss data sources you evaluated but are not being used for the analysis.
o Data Elements: Define each data element used in the analysis and its relevance to the analysis. This may be done in a table and placed in the appendix if it is lengthy.
o Data Quality: Discuss the quality of the data sources and elements you will be using in terms of relevance to the business problem, completeness, and correctness. State how any issues with data quality will impact the applicability of your analysis.
o Descriptive Statistics: Provide basic descriptive statistics such as means, variances, data distributions, etc. that allow you to understand if there are outliers or issues to be dealt with in your data.
• Managerial Summary: What is your overall assessment of the data sources, their availability, their quality, and how will they allow you to address the problem you’ve chosen?
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