Industrialized Nation The purpose of this paper is to both compare and contrast health care delivery in the United States with how it is done in another industrialized nation (i.e., selected from those listed as a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development at http://ww

Industrialized Nation

The purpose of this paper is to both compare and contrast health care delivery in the United States with how it is done in another industrialized nation (i.e., selected from those listed as a member of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development at Papers must be twelve to fifteen (12 – 15) pages in length, with double-spaced text, 12-point font, and 1” margins. Students should also include a cover page and a reference page(s), formatted per APA style (see below), and papers MUST use a minimum of four (4) peer-reviewed journal article or scholarly article sources. In the paper, students should address the following, using each item below as a section header:


1.) History of the other nation’s health care system, including changes and recent developments;

2.) Type of health care system currently in place in the other nation (e.g., roles of government,

private sector, providers);

3.) Major features of the current system in place;

4.) Current population of the nation;

5.) Total expenditure on health care each year (i.e., in the nation’s monetary unit, in U.S. dollars,

and as a percentage of gross domestic product in that nation);

6.) Expenditure on health care per capita;

7.) World Health Organization (WHO) rankings in major indices of health (e.g., infant mortality,

life expectancy, prevalence of diseases);

8.) Strengths and weaknesses of the system compared with both the U.S. and those of other industrialized nations;

9.) Popularity of the system among the country’s citizens;


10.) What, if any, features or elements of the system could the United States benefit from incorporating into its own health care delivery system;

11.) The student’s own assessment of the chosen nation’s health care system, based on content discovered in writing this paper and comparing and contrasting with U.S. health care; and

12.) What the student has learned as part of conducting this research and writing the paper.


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