Project Solo Project (Grp) As an individual, conduct a software development project to fulfill the ‘Resit Project &Met,. Aula) using the skills you have .vamped through your program of study. If this is your second resit attempt, you may continue developing the project from your first resit submission. a) Project Presentation t S/IS Credits t See Marking Guides As an individual, produce a short presentation which includes 3 —5 minutes of recorded audio about your project. You should include: an explanation of how you planned the project; a brief demonstration of your project working; a detaile

Solo Project (Grp) As an individual, conduct a software development project to fulfill the ‘Resit Project &Met,. Aula) using the skills you have .vamped through your program of study. If this is your second resit attempt, you may continue developing the project from your first resit submission.
a) Project Presentation t S/IS Credits t See Marking Guides As an individual, produce a short presentation which includes 3 —5 minutes of recorded audio about your project. You should include: an explanation of how you planned the project; a brief demonstration of your project working; a detailed explanation of the most interesting section of your code; and an account of the biggest challenge you faced during the project.

b) Source Code IS/1S Credits /See Marking Guides At Me end of the project you will submit a document containing all your programming code and a link to your final prototype. Make sure to highlight and reference any code not written by you (The Assessment Section of Aula has a Presentation on Referencing).

2 Academic Essay (Me) (S/IS Credits /See Marking Guide As an individual, write an essay exploring. ‘The Future of Quantum Computing’ (Guideline BOO—t200 Words). If you already attempted this element of the assessment as part of the original or resit assessment you may rewom your essay from that attempt as part of this assessment.
Begin by reading at bast six quality sources on the topic, taking your time to digest the information. When you start wMing, you should include: an introduction to the topic; an in-depth discussion of several important aspects or Owes; and an analysh of the imphations for the field of computer science and consumers. You should use in-text Motion and references to show how what you read supports what you have written (Did you know, The Centre for Academic Writine has lots of useful resources!)
you have queroom about this resit assessment, Ideas contact the it.due learn.
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Faculty of Engineering, Environment and Computing 4007CEM Computer Sciefec 2

Write an essay on various ways to combat plagiarism. Include work cited
November 27, 2021/in Computer science /by Sam
Write an essay on various ways to combat plagiarism. Include work cited

What degree of performance has Quantum Computing Achieved today? How do we measure the size of a QC? How big a QC has been built and published? What might be reasonable expected in the next few years?
November 25, 2021/in Computer science /by Sam
Quantum Computing
From all that you have learned about Quantum Computing in the 21st century, write about two pages of a summary of ″what quantum computing means to us today and what it might mean in the future.″ You should make sure you discuss each of the following:

1) What degree of performance has Quantum Computing Achieved today?

2) How do we measure the size of a QC?

3) How big a QC has been built and published?

4) What might be reasonable expected in the next few years?

5) IF QC lives up to the promise, what might we expect at some future date?

This should be about 1000 words.

What are you trying to achieve/solve? Things you can develop on – Primary Market, Secondary market, Interaction between assets and components, earning method.
November 23, 2021/in Computer science /by Sam
Research project
In this project, choose an idea or vision of your interest in the IoT or Distributed Apps or Decentralized Systems space. This is a project to help you either understand/study a topic of your choice and/or help you develop an idea. There is no specific structure set, consider this as a research project where you re creating the material for a the topic. There is no wrong answer, there project is to see your innovative side and how well you can expand on an idea. Keep it realistic and existent though; don’t make up stuff. You should cite the references in your report. (Minimum 4 pages excluding Title Page and References, double space is alright)

You have to submit a report on your project. Your report should include the following sections:

1) Introduction

2) IoT Communications based idea or Distributed App Idea – Finance, Gaming, Real Estate are example areas.

3) Challenges and Solutions to the idea. What are you trying to achieve/solve? Things you can develop on – Primary Market, Secondary market, Interaction between assets and components, earning method.

4) Conclusions

Describe how your previous academic training, professional experience and/or personal passions have led you to this question, problem or topic and have drawn you to this degree program.
November 20, 2021/in Computer science /by Sam
Academic statement of purpose
1. Your statement of purpose should describe a question, problem or topic in information science that you have a passion to address.

2. Describe how your previous academic training, professional experience and/or personal passions have led you to this question, problem or topic and have drawn you to this degree program.

3. Identify the faculty members with whom you would be interested in working and why.

Using the Coin class defined in Chapter 5, write a program called FourHeads whose main method flips a coin until it gets four heads in a row. Print the total number of flips needed to get four heads in a row.
November 17, 2021/in Computer science /by Sam
How to do java
Using the Coin class defined in Chapter 5, write a program called FourHeads whose main method flips a coin until it gets four heads in a row. Print the total number of flips needed to get four heads in a row.

Create working solutions to a variety of computational and real world problems using multiple pro gramming languages chosen as appropriate for the task.
November 15, 2021/in Computer science /by Sam
4007CEM Computer Science Activity Led Learning Project 2
Course Learning Outcomes Assessed:
Develop and understand algorithms to solve problems; measure and optimize algorithm complexity; appreciate the limits of what may be done algorithmically in reasonable time or at all.

Create working solutions to a variety of computational and real world problems using multiple programing languages chosen as appropriate for the task.

Understand the underlying architecture that supports the modern computer, including traditional compilers and operating systems, but also the modern infrastructure of the internet and mobile applications.

Work with (potentially large) datasets; using appropriate storage technology; applying statistical analysis to draw meaningful conclusions; and using modern machine learning tools to discover hidden patterns.

Take a product from the initial stage of requirement / analysis all the way through development to its final stages of testing /evaluation.

Understand professional practices of the modern IT industry which include those technical (e.g. version control / automated testing) but also social, ethical & legal responsibilities.

Apply a wide variety of degree level transferable skills including time management, team working, written and verbal
presentation to both experts and non–experts, and critical reflection on own and others work.

Apply the above to advanced topics selected according to the interests of individual students.

Select five random companies, and issue the tracert or traceroute commands for each one. Prepare a report describing the results. Include screenshots to back up the reported findings.
November 9, 2021/in Computer science /by Sam
Tracert or Traceroute commands
Select five random companies, and issue the tracert or traceroute commands for each one. Prepare a report describing the results. Include screenshots to back up the reported findings.

Explain the differences and similarities between a peer-to peer network and a client server network.
November 9, 2021/in Computer science /by Sam
A peer-to peer network and a client server network.
Explain the differences and similarities between a peer-to peer network and a client server network.

Create a board that is filled with words which are then scrambled and presented to the user, who rotates the rows and columns to try and get the original words displayed in the right order on the board.
November 8, 2021/in Computer science /by Sam
Write C++code without using classes
Create a board that is filled with words which are then scrambled and presented to the user, who rotates the rows and columns to try and get the original words displayed in the right order on the board. Write a C++ program to do Unscrambler by not using classes, testing it in Zybooks section 9.23.
Random numbers are used throughout the program, so when you run it on your own machine versus interactively within Zybooks the output will likely be different, since the sequence of random numbers will be different. On the other hand, running the test cases should give you the same output every time. Read the notes below very carefully to minimize frustration that occurs when the sequence of random numbers generated is different from what is expected.


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