Discuss the possibility that differences in hours worked per day, and days worked per year may have driven differences in industrial development prior to WW2. (Suggested author: Michael Huberman)

Discuss the possibility that differences in hours worked per day, and days worked per year may have driven differences in industrial development prior to WW2. (Suggested author: Michael Huberman) -Thesis Statement: be explicit about the topic of your paper – what question are you asking, why are you bothering to ask it, what is the … Read more

Limited Access to Healthcare

Limited Access to Healthcare Write a 4-6-page analysis of a current problem or issue in health care, including a proposed solution and possible ethical implications. Introduction In your health care career, you will be confronted with many problems that demand a solution. By using research skills, you can learn what others are doing and saying … Read more

Chose a work of Chinese poetry, painting, and/or calligraphy such as those by artists listed in PPT 8. Analyze the total artistic effect in terms of Chinese and/or Western critical terms like fù 賦, bĭ 比, xīng 興, metaphor, personification, the “six principles” of painting (繪畫六法), and so on. If you chose a work of calligraphy or a painting with calligraphy on it, also comment on the effect of the interplay between what is written and how it is written/framed. You may wish to consult secondary sources like Stephen Owen (宇文所安) on Chinese poetry (many titles), Wu Hung: The Double Screen: Medium and Representation in Chinese Painting, or articles on calligraphy (in Chinese) by 薛龍春 (search the library database).

Write an essay of 750–1,000 English words on one of the following five topics. You may also choose a different topic with instructor approval. Do not attempt to address every topic raised in any of the questions; simply choose one way of approaching the topic and analyze it from that perspective. Your paper should consist … Read more

A. What did you learn about yourself as a social worker in applying the generalist intervention model in planning an intervention with a client? (This is a self-assessment of your learning of your knowledge, skills, and values.) Be specific. B. What strengths and personality traits do you already have that will make it easier for you to be a social worker? What was easy for you in being the social worker in this case? In other words, what came naturally for you as a social worker? Do not tell me what made you good at writing the assignment. Tell me about being a social worker.

Please write a minimum of two (2) page papers in response to the following self-assessment questions. For both of these self-assessment papers think about yourself being the social worker for the GIM assignment and what that felt like for you. Think critically! One or two sentence answers will not meet the expectations of these assignments. … Read more

Write a 10 page research paper analyzing the 1966 Swedish film Persona created and directed by Ingmar Bergman AND his approach to filmmaking and thematic presents surrounding the majority of his films.

Write a 10 page research paper analyzing the 1966 Swedish film Persona created and directed by Ingmar Bergman AND his approach to filmmaking and thematic presents surrounding the majority of his films.         file (2) APA       CLICK HERE FOR FURTHER ASSISTANCE ON THIS ASSIGNMENT The post Write a 10 … Read more

What Control Total is displayed within IDEA based on the work that you performed on Step 6? You will find it on the right side under Properties – look for Control Total. Remember that you must be in the first bigger dataset with 300 observations. Enter a number with two decimal points. 537,776.85

Question 1.   1a. What Control Total is displayed within IDEA based on the work that you performed on Step 6? You will find it on the right side under Properties – look for Control Total. Remember that you must be in the first bigger dataset with 300 observations. Enter a number with two decimal … Read more

In My Asakusa, Sawamura Sadako introduces us to two traditional Japanese celebrations, which are Hatsumode (the New Year and the New Year Eve) and the Obon Festival (the return of deceased ancestors). a. How are these festivals being celebrated in the local community AND in the Sawamura’s family? b. What kinds of privilege does Sawamura’s father enjoy in these family celebrations? And what does it tell about men’s and women’s social roles in modern Japan?

Sawamura Sadako, My Asakusa: Coming of Age in Pre-War Tokyo (Tuttle Publishing, 2011) (https://www.amazon.com/My-Asakusa-Coming-Pre-War-Tokyo/dp/0804821356/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=My+Asakusa%3A+Coming+of+Age+in+Pre-War+Tokyo&qid=1629776518&sr=8-1) Paper details: 1. In My Asakusa, Sawamura Sadako introduces us to two traditional Japanese celebrations, which are Hatsumode (the New Year and the New Year Eve) and the Obon Festival (the return of deceased ancestors). a. How are these festivals being … Read more

According to the texts, how did progressive educational philosophies and theories reflect changes in American society?

1.According to the texts, how did progressive educational philosophies and theories reflect changes in American society? 2.According to the texts, what is the relationship between democracy and education? 3.According to the texts, how did progressive educators respond to ethnic and religious diversity in the United States?       APA       CLICK HERE … Read more

Access the CMS Hospital Compare website and review the quality scores for 3-5 hospitals in Manhattan, NY. a) At which hospital would you choose to receive care (for you and/or family members) and why? b) List the different measures that this website uses to compare between different hospitals? c) Use the “Timely and Effective Care” measure to compare between the selected hospitals (it is recommended to build a table to answer this question). d) Select three types of infections (under “Death and Complications”) and compare the performance of the selected hospitals?

Question 1a: Access the CMS Hospital Compare website and review the quality scores for 3-5 hospitals in Manhattan, NY. a) At which hospital would you choose to receive care (for you and/or family members) and why? b) List the different measures that this website uses to compare between different hospitals? c) Use the “Timely and … Read more

Choose any television network that broadcasts commercials. Choose any type of show that you enjoy – sporting event, soap opera, comedy, movie, news, etc. Watch five commercials in a row. You may also find commercials on YouTube. If that is the case, the commercials must be recent (within the last year) and ones that were broadcast in the United States.

Your essay should be 3-4 pages in length (not including title page, works cited, and statement of originality). 1. Choose any television network that broadcasts commercials. Choose any type of show that you enjoy – sporting event, soap opera, comedy, movie, news, etc. Watch five commercials in a row. You may also find commercials on YouTube. … Read more


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