ASS072-1 Introduction To Health And Social Care Management

Question: Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding Demonstrate critical understanding of theoretical and methodological perspectives relevant to an investigation of our chosen research topic Demonstrate the following skills and abilities Synthesise, evaluate and defend the findings of your research and communicate the results in a focused, logically organised, appropriately concluded format and referenced according to … Read more

BUS6900 Management Practicum-future professional development needs

Task: Unit Learning Outcomes   This assessment will help you achieve the following Unit Learning Outcomes: 1. Apply advanced discipline-based skills, knowledge,practices and behaviours in the context of the host organisation; 2. Illustrate evidence of ethical behaviour and appropriate conduct in a professional environment; 3. Produce a coherent portfolio which demonstrates achievements in professional practice; … Read more

HLTH5201 Health and Aged Care Systems and Operations System

Firstly, choose your topic. This should be about one particular ‘health care equity’ challenge or barrier. a) define the barrier: WHO experiences it? WHAT are they not accessing? b) explain the barrier: WHY are people not getting access? c) explore solutions: HOW might the barrier be overcome? You need to use identify and give information … Read more

Viability of Your Business Proposition

Task: Assignment 1 will be in the form of a presentation of a sustainable business plan. You are required to produce a Power Point presentation which will pitch the business proposition to a panel of business experts who will ask questions to ascertain viability of your business proposition. Your proposal could be a product or … Read more

MKT744 Global Marketing And Sales Development: Evaluation of the Market

Questions: You will be allocated an international market which you will complete a PESTLE evaluation of the market for potential business/product opportunities.  This will provide a detailed understanding of how the market and trends to inform international marketing choices namely political, legal, economic, socio-cultural, technological and environmental.  Some or all of these issues will have … Read more

B9RS106 Research Methods : Implement the Research Strategy

Question: It’s the final dissertation on MBA Marketing and I want it by part by part as an introduction and literature review first. I will attach my research proposal with this. Don’t copy-paste as it will be a cause for plagiarism. I want to do a poster also with this.   1. Introduce your research … Read more

BU110 Introduction to Business and Innovative Ideas

Task: Term Project Instructions: You are required to select a well-known company that you want to research and then answer the questions that follow. Pick a well-known company that you like such as Apple, Google, Facebook, Amazon, Tesla, Nike, Bank of America, McDonalds……You have to be able to find a Value Line report on your … Read more


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