FIN80005 Corporate Financial Management- Analyze The Historical Return

Task After learning about the risk and return topics, you are interested to perform some analysis concerning the risk and return trade-off of various asset classes. You also learn about the benefits of diversification and would like to examine whether there are diversification benefits from investing across asset classes. In particular, you are interested to … Read more

BSB250 Business Citizenship: The Business Model

Questions: You will examine issues of local and global significance, and assess the extent to which current business practices contribute to collective wellbeing and sustainable and socially responsible outcomes. Selecting from a list of businesses provided to you, you will analyse a business to develop a report which investigates its CSR performance. The issues can … Read more

NRSG 266 Context of Aging- well-being and cognitive state

Task: Answer the following seven (7) questions. Use evidence based literature to support answers where appropriate. All information not your own original thought must be referenced. For each answer you must demonstrate person centred care by including reference to Edith’s circumstances where required.  Question 1   Edith requires a physical assessment in the ED. Provide … Read more

ACCG8127 Current Issues in Accounting and Corporate Governance: Application of t

Question: How might a better application of the ASX Corporate Governance Principles lower the failure risk of essay requires you to critically analyze the corporate governance practices of and extract linkages to the potential reasons for failure discussed by Hamilton and Micklethwait (2006). Using the readings, lectures, the 2020 Corporate Governance Statements and Annual … Read more

SOC101 Sociology- Gender Role Orientation Affects Communication

Task Questions Frontline Documentary Film Mask You Live In (Links to an external site.)  1. Describe stereotypes associated with “masculinity” .   2. Explain “the code of silence” in terms of gender role orientation affects communication within male groups. (Base your answers on information in the film and the book.)   3. Elaborate on … Read more

N221 Business Management and Product or Process

Question: It’s that time of year, and the dreaded word: ‘appraisals’. You have timetabled a meeting with each of your team members over the course of the week to review their performance management against the agreed objectives at the start of the year and set new goals for the year ahead.In one meeting with a … Read more

11197 Industry Project|Feedback

You are required to prepare and submit a chronological learning journal of your reflective observations using free writing and a thematic reflective analysis of your learning in this unit. The first part of this assignment requires you to prepare five reflective observations in your learning journal that ideally should be prepared in the weeks identified … Read more

OPO4000 Consumer Behaviour- new knowledge obtained from this unit

Task: Assessment details To complete this assessment, undertake the following steps. Step 1 Think of a situation that has occurred within the last two years where you were involved in developing a pitch of some description. Ideally, your chosen situation is a project-based pitch, however, if you have not been involved in a project pitch, … Read more

MKTG7888C International Business from International Markets

Task: Marketing plan template provided below you will be required to:1. Select the preferred market. This will be based on the case study from assessment one. As a working group you will choose the market that they feel provides the best level of opportunity for their product category in particular fashion, active wear/sportswear. 2. Before … Read more


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