PSCY330 Psychology: Research Virtual Reality Therapy

Questions: Research Virtual Reality Therapy (VRT) and how it applies to the 3 psychological disorders selected in Part 1 – Select Psychological Disorders. Use at least 3 scholarly and authoritative sources to support the response. Include a simple description of the Virtual Reality Therapy video. Discuss how VRT can be used to treat each of … Read more

70610 Introduction to Information Security: Attacks Perpetrated

Question: Review the following Week 6 Lecture and Reading Materials: Watch the Notorious Hackers(Links to an external site.). Watch the 10 Biggest Computer Hacks Of All Time(Links to an external site.). Review the Additional Readings We have compiled some excellent articles, white papers, and videos to support learning and exploration. Remember, these are only suggestions to help build … Read more

INFT3100 Project Management | Human Resources Management

Question: Introduction This section will give an overview of project scope, background information, project approach and MOV (measured organizational value) that will be used to efficiently deliver a solution for the current situation. Project Scope This project focuses on reducing patient wait times on Canberra’s COVID testing sites using a website. This will reduce the … Read more

MG411 Introduction to People Management-performance management

Task: This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the knowledge, skills and behaviours to be an effective people manager 2. Identify and evaluate key HR processes which underpin the performance management of people at work 3. … Read more

BSBCRT611 Apply Critical Thinking for Complex Problem Solving

Task: The purpose of this learner’s guide is to: 1. Provide you with information on delivery schedule and plan of this unit2. Ensure that you understand how students will be assessed in this unit3. Provide information on assessment methods, strategies, and evidence requirements4. Provide information on learning activities and assessment tasks5. List resources which may … Read more

What does ‘official language’ status really mean?

What does ‘official language’ status really mean?   The task: research on the topic of ‘official languages’ and try to find out what the promotion of a language into an official language role really means for everyday life activities.  If English is designated as an official language of a particular country or state, what language … Read more

In this project you’ll design a 4 bits Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) to convert analog input from 0 to 9 V and use it in a fire alarm detection system The digital part for this circuit is already provided and you’ll need to work only with analog feedback. We’ll use Multisim for simulation, the digital portion will be provided for you to add the analog one. The digital part of ADC is shown in Fig. 1. You need to add the feed back to compare the digitals output with the analog input using the comparator. The feedback is a digital to analog converter (DAC). It is used to stop the counter when it reaches the same analog input value.

  In this project you’ll design a 4 bits Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) to convert analog input from 0 to 9 V and use it in a fire alarm detection system The digital part for this circuit is already provided and you’ll need to work only with analog feedback. We’ll use Multisim for simulation, … Read more

Its month #2 of the CRM implementation project and things are going pretty well.  The toughest customer you have…Whit is slowly starting to engage with you and ask questions.  Just last week he inquired about the cost and time impacts of expanding the  project to include some more mobile app functionality. You spoke-gave him a rough estimate (3 months and 30,000 dollars)  and said you’d sure it up later.  He asked you to keep it quiet as he was not sure he wanted to add the scope.

Its month #2 of the CRM implementation project and things are going pretty well.  The toughest customer you have…Whit is slowly starting to engage with you and ask questions.  Just last week he inquired about the cost and time impacts of expanding the  project to include some more mobile app functionality. You spoke-gave him a … Read more

Nietzsche turned all things upside down when he introduces “master morality” and “slave morality” in his On the Genealogy of Morals? How do you assess Nietzsche’s position on evil, or what society considers evil? How would Kierkegaard respond to Nietzsche’s individualism, the great individuals Nietzsche often talks about (who would fit exemplify his “master morality”)?

Instructions: Final Papers (30% of the grade) should be 5 full pages minimum, typed and double space, and critical and comparative study of our class texts. All papers should follow MLA style, font Times New Roman, 11 or 12, double space, with 1” margin on all sides, with a “Works Cited” page. All files should … Read more

Key influences on uk planning

Key influences on uk planning The brief for this piece of written coursework is to identify the ten things that you think have done most to shape the planning system in the UK, its goals, and the way that it works, and to justify your choice. Those things could be individuals, organisations, events, pieces of … Read more


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