Abina and Jamal al-Afghani were both individuals affected by the rise of Western power in the nineteenth century. How do their reactions to this situation differ, and how are they similar? Which aspects of imperial culture present them with opportunities, which present obstacles, and how do Abina & al-Afghani address them (or not)? How do their two stories fit into the broader picture of Empire, collaboration and resistance?

Instruction – Research Paper for World History Topic/Prompt Abina and Jamal al-Afghani were both individuals affected by the rise of Western power in the nineteenth century. How do their reactions to this situation differ, and how are they similar? Which aspects of imperial culture present them with opportunities, which present obstacles, and how do Abina … Read more

Assignment Select Microsoft one of the world’s largest companies and choose a recent organisational change decision that the company took or is considering to take. Examples of strategic decisions or change initiatives might include merger and acquisitions, restructuring, culture change and expansion of the organisation.

Assignment Select Microsoft one of the world’s largest companies and choose a recent organisational change decision that the company took or is considering to take. Examples of strategic decisions or change initiatives might include merger and acquisitions, restructuring, culture change and expansion of the organisation. Prepare an assignment of 2000 words in length, in which … Read more

A Scenario to Stimulate Strategic Thinking About Good Governance for Health Imagine you are a senior staff member in a middle-income country’s Ministry of Health. The Parliament has asked each community health center to form its own governing body from community leaders and health workers. The terms of reference (TOR)’ for these new bodies must be drafted within one month for consideration as a regulatory act in Parliament. What considerations should yo

A Scenario to Stimulate Strategic Thinking About Good Governance for Health Imagine you are a senior staff member in a middle-income country’s Ministry of Health. The Parliament has asked each community health center to form its own governing body from community leaders and health workers. The  terms of reference (TOR)’ for these new bodies must … Read more

Designing and Implementing a Personnel Evaluation System Description Discuss the employee performance evaluation rater and rating errors. Which errors do you feel are most common? Have you ever experienced an evaluation where the rater made any or all of these errors? As a police supervisor, do you feel you are more of a category I or category II time manager?> why do you feel that way? Provide in detail the steps you would follow in becoming a category II supervisor.

Designing and Implementing a Personnel Evaluation System Description Discuss the employee performance evaluation rater and rating errors. Which errors do you feel are most common? Have you ever experienced an evaluation where the rater made any or all of these errors? As a police supervisor, do you feel you are more of a category I … Read more

Challenges faced by the hotel Four session during Covid pandemic Describe challenges faced by the hotel Four session during Covid pandemic. Focus only in employees and the way to manage and motivate them without introduction or conclusion

Challenges faced by the hotel Four session during Covid pandemic Describe challenges faced by the hotel Four session during Covid pandemic. Focus only in employees and the way to manage and motivate them without introduction or conclusion

COVID-19 Policy for health care clinic Description Instructions Create a health care policy for a family practice clinic. Include: 1. How to protect yourself, employees, patients, and community. (Refer to CDC guidelines) and others. 2. List measures you will use to prepare physical clinical space 3. Describe employee training 4. Describe how you will alter your usual operations to reduce Covid-19 exposure e.g. creating more space to allow for social distancing, infection control etc. 5. List 2 types of Covid-19 testing methods you will offer, and why Use APA 7 format References not more than 5 years

COVID-19 Policy for health care clinic Description Instructions Create a health care policy for a family practice clinic. Include: 1. How to protect yourself, employees, patients, and community. (Refer to CDC guidelines) and others. 2. List measures you will use to prepare physical clinical space 3. Describe employee training 4. Describe how you will alter … Read more

Society and Social Justice Module Summary module description. This module aims to explore the social, cultural and economic issues that shape an individual’s educational opportunities and pathways. We consider the ways that social

Society and Social Justice Module Summary module description.This module aims to explore the social, cultural and economic issues that shape an individual’s educational opportunities and pathways. We consider the ways that social organisations and social structures can promote and reinforce social inequalities amongst different groups of people, especially by socio-economic status (class), gender and ethnicity. … Read more

COMPLEXITY IN MENTAL HEALTH NURSING Description An essay (4000 words) (100% of grade). A written critical analysis of a case scenario identified in practice, exploring the biopsychosocial determinants of ill health and a critical appraisal of actual or proposed biopsychosocial interventions within the context of contemporary clinical care. Summative assignment – 4,000-word essay. • Give a brief introduction outlining what you intend to do in the assignment. • Describe the person, the service, and the nature of your involvement with them. • Contextualise the service with reference to contemporary mental health policy. • Identify and analyse the biopsychosocial factors which have contributed to the development and maintenance of the person’s mental disorder and account for their physical health status. • Describe and analyse the process of prioritising health and well-being needs using relevant assessment tools and showing awareness of relevant psychological theory. • Demonstrate collaboration with the person, carers, and the family in the context of the service, identifying potential and actual barriers to engagement and address any safeguarding concerns in formulating and executing your plan of care. • Critically appraise your interventions with reference to a contemporary evidence base and analyse their effectiveness in the promotion of health and wellbeing. • Provide a brief conclusion, summarising the main points of the assignment

COMPLEXITY IN MENTAL HEALTH NURSING Description An essay (4000 words) (100% of grade). A written critical analysis of a case scenario identified in practice, exploring the biopsychosocial determinants of ill health and a critical appraisal of actual or proposed biopsychosocial interventions within the context of contemporary clinical care. Summative assignment – 4,000-word essay. • Give a … Read more

Description Create a national-level, single-issue interest group that is focused on one specific area of either domestic or foreign policy. The project will be presented in PowerPoint, and the presentation should include the information below. Discuss the issue, and outline goals of the group. Provide a clear statement of the group’s foreign policy or domestic policy issue. Include a detailed description of the group’s goal(s). You must

Description Create a national-level, single-issue interest group that is focused on one specific area of either domestic or foreign policy. The project will be presented in PowerPoint, and the presentation should include the information below. Discuss the issue, and outline goals of the group. Provide a clear statement of the group’s foreign policy or domestic … Read more

Description Choose a multinational company that has robust offices on two or more continents. Investigate their company culture and current problems they’re experiencing. Choosing 1 of these problems, you’ll zero in on a piece of this problem. By persuasively arguing for 4 recommendations, the proposal will be written as if you are a company employee tasked with resolving, diminishing, or ameliorating this piece of the problem. A budget providing the costs to implement your recommendations will be part of the proposal. 1.Choose 1 current company problem t

Description Choose a multinational company that has robust offices on two or more continents. Investigate their company culture and current problems they’re experiencing. Choosing 1 of these problems, you’ll zero in on a piece of this problem. By persuasively arguing for 4 recommendations, the proposal will be written as if you are a company employee … Read more


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