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2 Student Name: Institutional Affiliation: Professor Name: Course, Department: Date Chapter one


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Chapter one

What are the five major components that make up an information system?

Information systems consist of the following components; process, people, hardware, software, and data.

List the three examples of information system hardware?

Information system hardware consists of keyboards, computers, and disk drives.

Microsoft Windows is an example of which component of information systems?

The software component of an information system.

What is application software?

Application software is a software program that allows users to perform tasks like messaging friends, recording data in a spreadsheet, and creating documents.

What roles do people play in information systems?

People play a crucial role in information systems, making them some of the fundamental elements. They offer support through staff, develop information systems through the developers and do system analysis for information systems through system analysts.

Exercise 3

Everyone interacts with various information systems every day: at the grocery store, at work, at school, even in our cars. Make a list of the different information systems you interact with daily. Can you identify the technologies, people, and processes involved in making these systems work?

Some of the information systems I interact with include eCommerce systems which I frequently use for online shopping. Another system that I frequently interact with is the communication system which allows me to communicate seamlessly with friends and family across various locations. I also interact much with the ERP system for my school that enables access to various learning resources and resource management within the school. The system has frequently interacted with the technology involved, including the application software for access, the data that enables communication, and hardware where the software runs and stores the data. The people in these systems include the developers who ensure the systems are up and running, the analysts, and the chief information officers. The processes include communication automation, online shopping, and resource sharing.

Chapter 2

Write your description of what the term information systems hardware means.

Information systems hardware includes the physical components which make up the information system, such as storage devices, input devices, output devices, computers, and e-readers.

What has led to the shift toward mobility in computing?

Mobility towards computing has increased due to the rise of smartphones and tablets, which made various organizations start thinking otherwise. The development of different systems that enabled collaboration using mobile devices such as tablets, personal computers, and smartphones also led to mobility in computing.

What is the impact of Moore’s Law on the various hardware components described in this chapter?

Moore states that the number of integrated circuits doubles every two years, cutting the price of computing power in half. The law implies that the hardware components must develop faster and integrate to contain the continuously increasing computing power.

Question 4

Write a one page summary of one of the items linked to in the “Integrated Computing” section.

One of the devices associated with integrated computing is the Apple HomePod. Apple HomePod is a Wi-Fi-enabled device fixed with powerful speakers and microphones that gives users effective satisfaction. Though built using high-end technology and a more significant user experience within the Apple ecosystem, it is like just the typical wireless Bluetooth speakers for audio playing (Matthews, 2021). The device can only stream music from Apple Music and the Beats 1, which have built-in support. The device operations can be controlled via iPhone or iOS devices by interacting with Siri. The Apple HomePod, just like Amazon Echo and Google Home, is an intelligent device capable of playing music, managing smart homes, and interacting with Siri. The Apple home pad acts as a centralized connection point for the Apple HomeKit platform compatible with smart-home devices (Matthews, 2021). By speaking to Siri, a system within the HomePod, the instruction will be fulfilled and done like ordering Siri through the HomePod to put out lights.

The HomePod can detect the shape and arrangement of the room using the speakers and the built-in microphones. This enables the device to optimize the music playback for the room automatically. The room awareness technology also allows the devices to detect each other when placed in a single room, working together to optimize the sound output depending on the room’s size, shape, and arrangement. The smart device like HomePod enables effective communication, control and management of an individual home (Asadullah & Raza, 2016). Technology is advancing so fast and everyone is in the race to keep up with advances while technology companies are working round the clock to ensure the needs and several demands are fulfilled.


Asadullah, M., & Raza, A. (2016, November). An overview of home automation systems. In 2016 2nd international conference on robotics and artificial intelligence (ICRAI) (pp. 27-31). IEEE.

Matthews, D. (2021). Apple HomePod Smart Speaker Space Grey.

Explain why the personal computer is now considered a commodity.

Personal computers are considered a commodity since they are light and can provide long life as they run web browsers and word processing allowing access to information systems.

The CPU can also be thought of as the _____________ of the computer.

Brains of the computer

List the units of measure for data storage in increasing order from smallest to largest, kilobyte to yottabyte.

Kilobyte – megabyte – gigabyte – terabyte – petabyte – exabyte – a zettabyte – yottabyte.

What is the bus of a computer?

The bus of a computer is the electrical connection that exists between different computer components. The speed of the bus depends on how fast data can flow within the connection.

Name two differences between RAM and a hard disk.

RAM can transfer data much faster compared to a hard disk. RAM is the working memory of the computer, while the hard disk is the storage memory.

What are the advantages of solid-state drives over hard disks?

Solid-state drives use a flash memory that makes them lighter and faster compared to hard disks. Solid-state drives are also considered more reliable than hard disks.

Exercise 2

Re-read the section on IoT, then find at least two scholarly articles about IoT. Prepare a minimum of three slides that address issues related to IoT. Be sure to give attribution to your sources (ppt.).


Bourgeois, D. T. (2018 ). Information systems for business and beyond.

Information Technology and Organizational Learning Questions

Chapter 1 – Review the Key Lessons from Chapter 1 – Explain the five key lessons and note the importance of each key lesson from chapter 1. Also, note why it is important to understand these basic concepts.

One of the key lessons from the chapter is defining reflection and learning for an organization which is based on the training and knowledge sharing among employees. The importance is that it can lead to the development of a discursive community which makes implementing change easy.

Another key lesson is working towards a clear goal that is well-defined and accelerated towards the process of developing an organization. The important lesson from this key lesson is that training brings harmony among employees, both IT savvy and non-IT persons.

Another key lesson is the commitment to quality which is focused on the professionalism of handling different tasks within the organization. The importance of an effective commitment to quality is ensuring the organization is able to deliver the work on time.

Transformation culture is another key lesson that is focused on the key organizational changes such as development. The importance of cultural transformation is that it measures the group the performance.

The last key lesson from the chapter is teaching the staff not to know which is one of the fundamental factors in the process of IT integration within an organization. The importance of the lesson is the ability to learn and accept without manipulation or judging.

Understanding organizational learning is essential in many perspectives. For example, it enables seamless integration between IT and other departments such as HR. It creates a new organizational culture and structure necessary for change implementation, and it also makes it easy to learn and understand the fundamental relationship between IT investment and business strategy.

Chapter 2 – Note why the IT organizational structure is an important concept to understand. Also, note the role of IT in the overall business strategy.

Technology is fundamentally changing the operations within various organizations through some of the most significant roles. Information is also gaining a lot of relevance so fast within the legacy business components such as accounting, marketing, and operations management. IT organizational structure works in five principles. Centralization and decentralization of organizational control system, increased impact on the organizational control, seamless and unpredictable manner and implementation of changes such as virtualization and networking of different systems.

IT within the business strategy primarily aims at playing the role of aligning technology and operations with the various business goals. IT also plays the role of explaining how various technologies support business objectives. Finally, IT explains the implementation strategy and usage of various technologies within the organization to achieve the basic goals.


Langer, A. M. (2018). Virtual Teams and Outsourcing. In Information Technology and Organizational Learning, (163–186).

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