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Journal article: Siegler, E.L. (2010). The evolving medical record. Annals of Internal

Journal article: Siegler, E.L. (2010). The evolving medical record. Annals of Internal Medicine, 153(1), 671-W233.

After reading the above article and appendix, as well as Chapter 2 in your text, please comment on the implications of changes in the medical record over time OR on some aspect of the medical record. The article is posted under the Modules Tab. Please let me know if you have problems opening it. Thanks!

Please respond to two of your fellow classmate’s comments.

Again, the two parts of the Seigler article can be found under the Modules tab.

In addition: Write 5 sentences using medical terminology you have learned the first two weeks of class.

The post Journal article: Siegler, E.L. (2010). The evolving medical record. Annals of Internal appeared first on PapersSpot.


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