8 Eating Healthy Foods for Mental and Physical Wellbeing Title Eating for


Eating Healthy Foods for Mental and Physical Wellbeing


Eating for a better mental and physical wellbeing

Time Frame

Cycle Number:

Start Date: 24th October 2021 End Date: 30th October 2021

Project Leader and Team Members




(What are you trying to improve or accomplish? Briefly describe the change you are working on.)

Covid-19 changed the way people work and do their things. Fewer interactions and cessation of movement meant that people had to find new ways to do things within their immediate environment. Being away from my family, I had the opportunity to re-examine my diet since l was no longer active as l used to be and l could not also make assorted meals. Nutrients in foods all have a role in affecting the well-being of the mind and the body. Finding such meals and preparing then in different ways could be exciting and important in general and special needs (patients) individuals. Health foods have been linked to a decrease in the risk of obesity, diseases and mood disorders (Romain, Marleau & Baillot, 2018). I thus decided to start eating healthy foods. The issue has always been in the planning and implementation. I decided to take up this challenge for the next three weeks and if doable, then implement it into a daily routine.

Expected Outcomes


(What do you think will happen? Why?)

I will be eating at least 3 healthy and balanced meals per day for breakfast, lunch and supper. Included in the plan is drinking at least 2 litres of water per day and eating of fruits. After the three weeks, l will feel better physical and mentally. I should be more active and more alert

Current Knowledge

(How will you know that a change is an improvement? Is it by benchmark data, gap analysis, flowcharts, or measures? Identify the baseline data that must be changed.)

A balanced meal includes nutrient-dense foods from all major food groups, including lean proteins, whole grains, healthful fats, and fruits and vegetables of many colours. I will know that it has been a success if l can eat a balanced diet for 5 out of 7 days in a week


I will be performing the activities myself

The task it to ensure that my breakfast will have grains and a fruit of choice, lunch and supper includes a small portion of carbohydrates, a source of lean proteins and a loads of vegetables. I will also eat a fruit with each meal and drink at least 2 litres of water.

The task will be carried out at home

It will be carried out on a daily basis for the next three weeks.

I will maintain a daily record of what food is eaten and at what time it is eaten.


Carry out the plan. Record data and observations (both positive and negative). What problems or unexpected events did you encounter? Include feedback and observations from participants.

For the first week, l was able to achieve my target goals.

I ate three balanced meals per day, a fruit with each meal and drunk 500mls of water per meal.


Analyze data and summarize results. (How does the data appear compared to the prediction(s)l? What worked? What did not work, and why?) Include graphs of your data collection on separate sheet.

It was very hard to prepare the individual meals per need. It was time consuming especially for the lunch and supper aspect.

Also, sourcing of the required ingredients per meal was also difficult and many times, l had to substitute. Also drinking 500mls of water after a meal was tricky as l felt like l was too full from the food

After analyzing the challenges, l decided to change a few details of the plan


What action are you going to take as a result of this cycle?

Adopt change “as is” Adapt change and test again

Expand change and test again Abandon change

Explain the action taken. What is your plan for the next cycle?

I decided that l was going to change a few things about the plan although the aim would remain the same.

First thing to change was the preparation part. I would prepare the lunch and supper meals on Sunday and freeze them in individual servings. This would ensure that l would get the ingredients beforehand and also save on time it took to prepare each individual meal.

As for the fruits, l would purchase fruits for the whole week and for the water, I would drink 250mls per meal and the rest (1250mls) l would spread throughout the day.


Eating for Better Mental and Physical Wellbeing

Time Frame

Cycle Number:

Start Date: 31th October 2021 End Date: 6th November 2021

Project Leader and Team Members




(What are you trying to improve or accomplish? Briefly describe the change you are working on.)

Covid-19 changed the way people work and do their things. Fewer interactions and cessation of movement meant that people had to find new ways to do things within their immediate environment. Being away from my family, I had the opportunity to re-examine my diet since l was no longer active as l used to be and l could not also make assorted meals. Nutrients in foods all have a role in affecting the well-being of the mind and the body. Finding such meals and preparing then in different ways could be exciting and important in general and special needs (patients) individuals. Health foods have been linked to a decrease in the risk of obesity, diseases and mood disorders (Romain, Marleau & Baillot, 2018). I thus decided to start eating healthy foods. The issue has always been in the planning and implementation. I decided to take up this challenge for the next three weeks and if doable, then implement it into a daily routine.

Expected Outcomes


(What do you think will happen? Why?)

I will be eating at least 3 healthy and balanced meals per day for breakfast, lunch and supper. Included in the plan is drinking at least 2 litres of water per day and eating of fruits. After the three weeks, l will feel better physical and mentally. I should be more active and more alert

Current Knowledge

(How will you know that a change is an improvement? Is it by benchmark data, gap analysis, flowcharts, or measures? Identify the baseline data that must be changed.)

A balanced meal includes nutrient-dense foods from all major food groups, including lean proteins, whole grains, healthful fats, and fruits and vegetables of many colours. I will know that it has been a success if l can eat a balanced diet for 5 out of 7 days in a week


I will be performing the activities myself

The task it to ensure that my breakfast will have grains and a fruit of choice, lunch and supper includes a small portion of carbohydrates, a source of lean proteins and a loads of vegetables. I will also eat a fruit with each meal and drink at least 2 litres of water.

The task will be carried out at home

It will be carried out on a daily basis for the next three weeks.

I will maintain a daily record of what food is eaten and at what time it is eaten.

The data will be recorded on a spreadsheet


Carry out the plan. Record data and observations (both positive and negative). What problems or unexpected events did you encounter? Include feedback and observations from participants.

This week was way better.

I planned my meals and prepared them on Sunday.

I packaged them in individual packages and labelled them, indicating the meal (lunch/supper) and the date (Monday/Tuesday/ Wednesday/Thursday/Friday/Saturday/Sunday).

The only meal to prepare this week was breakfast. However, I still ensured that all required ingredients were ready the night before to make it easy and faster to prepare the breakfast.


Analyze data and summarize results. (How does the data appear compared to the prediction(s)l? What worked? What did not work, and why?) Include graphs of your data collection on separate sheet.

It was hard to stick to the diet this week. I was tempted to eat sugary foods and on Thursday morning l caved in and had cake for breakfast.

On Friday l also had fried foods for lunch instead of my pre-packaged rice with vegetables.

The time spent on making of meals was greatly reduced and that was a positive thing.

Drinking water became easier as it was spaced out throughout the day


What action are you going to take as a result of this cycle?

Adopt change “as is” Adapt change and test again

Expand change and test again Abandon change

Explain the action taken. What is your plan for the next cycle?

I decided to include a few more food group items in my plan although the aim would remain the same. This involved creating a cheat-meal, whereby l allowed myself to indulge in something sweet once a week, and fried foods once a week also.


Eating for Better Mental and Physical Wellbeing

Time Frame

Cycle Number:

Start Date: 7th November 2021 End Date: 13th November 2021

Project Leader and Team Members




(What are you trying to improve or accomplish? Briefly describe the change you are working on.)

Covid-19 changed the way people work and do their things. Fewer interactions and cessation of movement meant that people had to find new ways to do things within their immediate environment. Being away from my family, I had the opportunity to re-examine my diet since l was no longer active as l used to be and l could not also make assorted meals. Nutrients in foods all have a role in affecting the well-being of the mind and the body. Finding such meals and preparing then in different ways could be exciting and important in general and special needs (patients) individuals. Health foods have been linked to a decrease in the risk of obesity, diseases and mood disorders (Romain, Marleau & Baillot, 2018). I thus decided to start eating healthy foods. The issue has always been in the planning and implementation. I decided to take up this challenge for the next three weeks and if doable, then implement it into a daily routine.

Expected Outcomes


(What do you think will happen? Why?)

I will be eating at least 3 healthy and balanced meals per day for breakfast, lunch and supper. Included in the plan is drinking at least 2 litres of water per day and eating of fruits. After the three weeks, l will feel better physical and mentally. I should be more active and more alert

Current Knowledge

(How will you know that a change is an improvement? Is it by benchmark data, gap analysis, flowcharts, or measures? Identify the baseline data that must be changed.)

A balanced meal includes nutrient-dense foods from all major food groups, including lean proteins, whole grains, healthful fats, and fruits and vegetables of many colours. I will know that it has been a success if l can eat a balanced diet for 5 out of 7 days in a week


I will be performing the activities myself

The task it to ensure that my breakfast will have grains and a fruit of choice, lunch and supper includes a small portion of carbohydrates, a source of lean proteins and a loads of vegetables. I will also eat a fruit with each meal and drink at least 2 litres of water.

The task will be carried out at home

It will be carried out on a daily basis for the next three weeks.

I will maintain a daily record of what food is eaten and at what time it is eaten.

The data will be recorded on a spreadsheet


Carry out the plan. Record data and observations (both positive and negative). What problems or unexpected events did you encounter? Include feedback and observations from participants.

This week was very easy.

I planned and prepared my meals on Sunday night and labelled them as appropriate.

I decided to settle on Wednesday as the day that l was allowed to eat a sugary item for breakfast and Saturday at lunchtime, I could eat fried foods.


Analyze data and summarize results. (How does the data appear compared to the prediction(s)l? What worked? What did not work, and why?) Include graphs of your data collection on separate sheet.

I managed to eat all the meals l had prepared. Drinking two litres of water was easy and the fruits were delicious. I felt much better, with increased energy, better ability to focus and learn and a happier mood. By Sunday l was looking forward to the new week and planning for the new week.


What action are you going to take as a result of this cycle?

Adopt change “as is” Adapt change and test again

Expand change and test again Abandon change

Explain the action taken. What is your plan for the next cycle?

By the end of this week, everything was flowing well. It is still slightly difficult to make meals and resist the want to quickly grab a ready meal and eat. However, I am really appreciative of the benefits l am experiencing and l intend to make this plan into a long-tern plan.

The Chart: Eating for a better Mental and Physical wellbeing.


Apaolaza, V., Hartmann, P., D’Souza, C., & López, C. M. (2018). Eat organic–Feel good? The relationship between organic food consumption, health concern and subjective wellbeing. Food quality and preference, 63, 51-62.

McKay, F. H., Wright, A., Shill, J., Stephens, H., & Uccellini, M. (2019). Using health and well-being apps for behavior change: a systematic search and rating of apps. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 7(7), e11926.

Romain, A. J., Marleau, J., & Baillot, A. (2018). Impact of obesity and mood disorders on physical comorbidities, psychological well-being, health behaviors and use of health services. Journal of affective disorders, 225, 381-388.

The post 8 Eating Healthy Foods for Mental and Physical Wellbeing Title Eating for appeared first on PapersSpot.


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